WORLD Project Wireless multiplatfOrm mimo active access netwoRks for QoS-demanding muLtimedia Delivery University of Roma “La Sapienza” University of Napoli “Federico II” University of Firenze + IIT-CNR Pisa University of Catania University of Trento Wireless multiplatfOrm mimo active access netwoRks for QoS-demanding muLtimedia Delivery University of Roma “La Sapienza” University of Napoli “Federico II” University of Firenze + IIT-CNR Pisa University of Catania University of Trento
Research Units and WPs WP1 deals with system architecture definition and it is leaded by the University of Roma "La Sapienza". WP3 deals with the aspects of Access control and the responsible is the University Firenze WP2 deals with physical layer aspects linked to MIMO technologies and it is leaded by the University of Napoli "Federico II". WP4 deals with networking protocols and setup and it is leaded by the University of Firenze. WP7 is responsible for testbed and trials and is leaded by the University of Trento that has direct access to the WMAN testbed implemented by CREATE- NET. WP6 deals with multimedia applications and secure QoS-provisioning and it is leaded by the University of Catania. WP5 is responsible for Cross-layer QoS mapping and it is leaded by the University of Trento
Activities in WP1 WP1- System Architecture T1.1 User and application requirements T1.2 WORLD System definition T1.3 System refinement
Activities in WP2 WP2- Multi-Antenna UWB/OFDM/MCCDMA active radios T2.1 Models of spatial interference for UWB MC communications T2.2 Multi-Antenna active transceiver architecture T2.3 Opportuninistic node selection for seamless node-switching T2.4 Opportunistic multi antenna beamforming and MAI mitigation WP2- Multi-Antenna UWB/OFDM/MCCDMA active radios T2.1 Multi-Antenna active transceiver architecture T2.2 Opportuninistic node selection for seamless node-switching (2nd p) T2.3 Opportunistic multi antenna beamforming and MAI mitigation (2nd p)
WP3- Active QoS-Aware MAC mechanisms and protocols for supporting multimedia flows T3.1 Performance modeling and analysis of MAC Layer for wireless multimedia links T3.2 QoS-support in Multimedia Wireless broadband access networks T3.3 Channel-aware and Link-adaptive MIMO H-ARQ for QoS-constrained multimedia flows (2nd p) Activities in WP3
Activities in WP4 WP4- Network and Transport for active LANs with multiple QoS- Requirements T4.1 Network resources control and management under QoS-constraints T4.2 Multi-hop competitive routing exploiting path diversity T4.3 Competitive routing supporting QoS T4.4 Multimedia synchronization and resources localization T4.5 Opportunistic Internetworking for multimedia applications over heterogeneous sub-networks T4.6 Opportunistic Routing for Multi-Antenna backhauls T4.7 Network-adaptive and Media-Aware transport mechanisms and protocols under end-to-end QoS constraints in heterogeneous subnets WP4- Network and Transport for active LANs with multiple QoS- Requirements T4.1 Competitive routing supporting QoS (2nd p) T4.2 Opportunistic Internetworking for multimedia applications over heterogeneous sub-networks (2nd p) T4.3 Opportunistic Routing for Multi-Antenna backhauls (2nd p) T4.4 Network-adaptive and Media-Aware transport mechanisms and protocols under end-to-end QoS constraints in heterogeneous subnets (2nd p)
Activities in WP5 WP5- Cross-layer Wireless Multimedia and Active QoS-mapping T5.1 Context and content-aware and content-aware vertical QoS mapping T5.2 Opportunistic access and Node auto set up T5.3 Game-Theory based distributed radio resource management T5.4 Opportunistic exploitation of path-diversity for media streaming WP5- Cross-layer Wireless Multimedia and Active QoS-mapping T5.1 Context and content-aware and content-aware vertical QoS mapping T5.2 Opportunistic access and Node auto set up (2nd p) T5.3 Game-Theory based distributed radio resource management (2nd p)
Activities in WP6 WP6- Multimedia Applications and secure QoS-Provisioning T6.1 Algorithms for adapting compressed multimedia to varying bandwidth conditions over IP T6.2 Opportunistic scalable video and audio coding for adaptive streaming applications T6.3 Adaptive media playout T6.4 Multimedia peer-to-peer (P2P) WLAN connections T6.5 Authentication and identity management T6.6 Secure protocols for multi-hop wireless access networks with Mobile Access Points WP6- Multimedia Applications and secure QoS-Provisioning T6.1 Opportunistic scalable video and audio coding for adaptive streaming applications T6.2 Adaptive media playout (2nd p) T6.3 Multimedia peer-to-peer (P2P) WLAN connections (2nd p) T6.4 Secure protocols for multi-hop wireless access networks with Mobile Access Points (2nd p)
Activities in WP7 WP7- Field Trials and Testbed T7.1 WORLD solution integration (2nd p) T7.2 Testbed (2nd p) T7.3 Trials (2nd p)
Time Table
Meetings March 2009 (end 1st phase): Where? October 2009 (end 1st year): Where? March 2010 (end 2nd phase): Where? October 2010 (end 3rd phase): Where? December 2010 (Project end): Trento