Literary Devices Short Story Objectives
n 1)Poetry - imaginative writing in which language, images, sounds, and rhythm combine to create a special emotional effect
n 2)Theme - underlying idea in a work
n 3. humor - something intended to be funny
n 4)setting - the physical and sometimes spiritual background of a story.
n 4 elements of setting: –1) geographical location –2)daily living of characters –3)the time or period in which the action takes place –4)general environment
n 5. character - a person in a story, novel, poem, or play
n 6. suspense - the anticipation as to the outcome of events –Question of how, what, who? –Question of when?
n 7. Mood / tone - the general feeling in a piece of work
n 8. Script - the complete text in a play n 9. Cast - list of characters
n 10. Stage directions - describes the action and tells the characters what to do and how to do it
n 11. Dialogue - what characters say n 12. Scenery - everything used to show the setting
n 13. Sound effects - sounds that are made for a play
n 14)drama- a literary work meant to be performed for an audience. 3 elements: 1)Story n 2)Told in Action n 3) Actors who play the characters
15. Narrative poetry - poetry that tells a story
16. Metaphor - a figure of speech that compares two unlike things “That car is a lemon.”
17. Extended metaphor- to use a metaphor throughout a poem
n 18. Personification - a figure of speech in which something not human is given a human personality or characteristics.
n 19. Free verse - poems with irregular rhythms and line lengths
20. Rhythm - the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry
n 21.Stanza - A group of lines forming a unit in a poem
22. Symbol - any person, place or thing that stands for something else. Ex: Eagles symbolize freedom.
n 23. flashback - an interruption of the action to tell about something that happened earlier in time.
n 24)Characterization- displaying a character’s personality
n Five Kinds: n 1) character’s actions n 2) character’s speech n 3)what other characters say n 4)revealing character’s thoughts n 5) directly commenting
n 25. Rhyme - the repetition of similar sounds. 2 kinds:
n 26. End rhyme - rhymes come at the end of lines –Once upon a TIME, –I found a DIME. n 27. Internal rhyme - rhyme occurs within a line –The CAT wore a HAT.
28. Alliteration -the repetition of consonant sounds (Betty Botter bought some butter.)
29. Inversion - the reversal of the normal order of words in a sentence Ex: “A kiss, he did receive.”
n 30. Repetition - a device using the same word or phrase to show emphasis
31. Simile - Figure of speech that compares unlike things using “like” or “as”- “She is as sweet as pie.”
32. Concrete Poems – Poems that have a particular shape Ex: A poem about a balloon that is shaped like a balloon.
n 33. Onomatopoeia - a word that sounds like its meaning (BZZZ).
n 34. Biography - a story about someone’s life written by someone else.
n 35)conflict - the struggle b/t two opposing forces.
n 4 Kinds: n 1) struggle w/ nature n 2) struggle w/ another person n 3) struggle w/ society n 4) struggle within
n 36. Myth - a story,often about gods and goddesses that attempts to give meaning to the world
n 37. Hero - chief character in story; usually brave, courageous, kind, honest, etc.
n 38)Foreshadowing - the use of hints or clues to suggest what action is about to occur
n 39. Parody - humorous imitation of a serious piece of literature
n 40. Comedy - a literary work with a generally happy ending; can be serious at times
n 41) Dramatic irony- when the reader knows something the characters don’t
n Ugly Duckling Questions: n 1) Why is this story a drama? –It is a drama b/c it is meant to be acted out on stage. It also has a story, actors, and it`s told in action.
n Ugly Duckling Questions: n 2)Define parody and explain why this drama is one. n A parody makes fun of another story. This play makes fun of the children’s story, “Ugly Duckling.”
n Ugly Duckling Questions: n 3)Why is this play a comedy? n It is a comedy because it is funny and has a happy ending. It also teaches the lesson that people should look beyond outside appearances.
n Ugly Duckling Questions: n 4)Give an example of dramatic irony. n An example would be when the prince and princess introduced themselves as the servants.