Group Presentations: Peer Assessment Everyone in the class will take part in preparing a group information poster. You won’t be marked by the teacher but by your classmates.
Topics 1.History of Japan from World War Two (including some information on the atomic bombs). 2.Japan’s Flag, Meaning of the Country Name and the National Anthem. 3.Minamata Disease 4.Tourism in Japan 5.Japanese Customs and Culture covering any of the following – Traditional Japanese Dress, sumo wrestling, kendo fencing, karate, paper folding called origami, flower arranging called ikebana and miniature plant growing called bonsai. More modern trends in Japan such as Hello Kitty or Animae. 6.Japanese Transport and the Bullet Train. 7.Going to school in Japan. 8.Food and Diet in Japan.
Guidelines oPresentations will be in A3 poster format (minimum) and must be a combination of text and pictures. oYou must research your group topic at home or in the school library, including printing out any images. oYou will then be given 1 period in class to pull your poster together. It must be eye-catching and interesting with as much colour as possible. oAs well as pictures, your poster must contain a minimum of 6 facts about the topic. oEveryone in your group must have an input in making the poster but it is up to your group to decide who does what. oThis piece of work will not be marked by the teacher, instead it will be marked by your peers. Your group will receive a mark from the rest of the class and you will receive a mark from the other people in your group.
Peer Assessment: Group Members NameEffortTeam Work Bob 32 Mark the members of your group from 1 (lowest) to 3 (highest). Be honest. For Effort think about whether or not they brought materials in that could be used in the presentation. Did they come up with good ideas? For Team Work think about whether or not they were good to work with. Were they bossy? Did they listen to everyone’s ideas? Did they sit back and let others do the work?
Peer Assessment: Class Presentations Mark the other presentations from 1 (lowest) to 3 (highest). Be honest. Presentation - how good does the poster look? Pictures, colour, eye-catching. Facts – how interesting are the facts? Are there at least 6 facts? Have you learnt something? TopicPresentationFactsComment Food23Good facts but not well presented – needed more colour pictures.