Fidelity Tools for CDSMP Jeanne Harmon RD, MBA, CDE
Fidelity Plan for CDSMEs Applies to all CDSME programs in Washington Provide guidance and tools to organizations offering CDSME to assist in delivering a quality program for participants. Provide guidance to assist in allocating personnel and resources for fidelity. Provide tools for choosing and training leaders and Master Trainers.
Where to find WA Fidelity Tools? y-tools y-tools All tools are in WORD and PDF format You can add your logo, etc. Tools have instructions to help in using the tool There is a section with Tomando tools (not revised)
Newly Revised WA Fidelity Plan y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Fidelity%20and%20Quality%20Assuranc e%20Plan%20for%20Washington%20State%2 0ARRA%20Grantees%20final.pdf/view y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Fidelity%20and%20Quality%20Assuranc e%20Plan%20for%20Washington%20State%2 0ARRA%20Grantees%20final.pdf/view Available as a pdf or in word if you want to add your logo, etc
What does the Fidelity Plan call for? The program is standardized and MUST be led as written in the Leaders Manual. This means: Two trained leaders Follow the script No “guest” speakers or added material 2.5 hours once a week for 6 weeks Organizations offering CDSME must have a current Stanford license for the program(s).
Leader Training Fidelity y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/leader%20training%20checklist%20%20i nstructions%205-% doc/view y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/leader%20training%20checklist%20%20i nstructions%205-% doc/view Provides information on how to plan for and carry out fidelity observations in a Leader Training course
Leader Training Checklist y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Leader%20training%20fidelity%20checkl ist.pdf/view y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Leader%20training%20fidelity%20checkl ist.pdf/view This is a “one size fits all” document You could use the workshop checklists if you want more specific information for observing certain skills
Workshop Fidelity Instructions y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Workshop%20Fidelity%20Checklist%20I nstructions%20final%20.pdf/view y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Workshop%20Fidelity%20Checklist%20I nstructions%20final%20.pdf/view Provides guidance on planning and carrying out observation of new Master Trainers and/or Leaders facilitating their first workshop
Workshop Fidelity Checklists y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Workshop%20observation%20checklist %20all%20sessions.pdf/view y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Workshop%20observation%20checklist %20all%20sessions.pdf/view 6 separate checklists, one for each of the 6 sessions of CDSMP Can be used to augment the Leader Training Checklists
Leader Self Evaluation Checklist y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Leader%20and%20Co- Leader%20Feedback%20form.pdf/view y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Leader%20and%20Co- Leader%20Feedback%20form.pdf/view Used by Leaders/Master Trainers to evaluate/critique their own and their partner’s performance
Participant Workshop Evaluation Instructions y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Recommended%20Use%20of%20Works hop%20Evals%20by%20Participants.pdf/view y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Recommended%20Use%20of%20Works hop%20Evals%20by%20Participants.pdf/view Essential facet of Fidelity
Participant Evaluation Forms y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Workshop%20Evaluation%20final.pdf/vi ew y-tools/cdsmp-fidelity- tools/Workshop%20Evaluation%20final.pdf/vi ew Available in 8 languages y-tools/participant-evaluations-of-the- workshop-translated-into-8-languages y-tools/participant-evaluations-of-the- workshop-translated-into-8-languages
Stanford Fidelity Resources Fidelity Manual Manual2012.pdf Manual2012.pdf Fidelity Toolkit _ToolKit2010.pdf _ToolKit2010.pdf Implementation Manual mentation_Manual2008.pdf mentation_Manual2008.pdf More tools and practices than we are promoting in WA
Tune in November 13 Fidelity and Quality Assurance Webinar Topic is “Choosing Leader and Master Trainer Candidates”
Thank you Contact: Jeanne Harmon