A 8. Jesus Christ is Exalted in Glory
8. Jesus Christ is Exalted in Glory Jesus’ rising back to life is the beginning of his exaltation!
Exaltation - Being lifted up in victory
Previously: the humiliation
Philippians 2:9-11 p Descended / into hell 2. Rose / from death 3. Ascended / to heaven 4. At right hand 5. Will come again
Jesus descended into hell
The punishment of hell was placed on Jesus where?
Answer: At the Cross Jesus paid for our sins!
1 Pet 3:18,19 p. 1202
Jesus was made alive by the Spirit.
When? After becoming alive
941) Col 2:15Why? To proclaim his victory over the devil.
Jesus Rose From the Dead
Jesus was already alive and had left the tomb.
Angels opened the tomb to show the world.
942) Rom 1:4 This assures us that 1. Jesus himself is God’s divine son...
948) John 11:25 (cont.) and what he says is true!
943) Rom 4:25 2. Our sins and guilt are Paid in full!
946) John 14:19 951) John 11:25,26 3. We ourselves will rise bodily from the grave.
The Beginning 0 33 AD 1500 BC The resurrection was long prophesied!
1,000 years before Jesus was born to the family line of King David, David prophesied: “You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay” (Ps 16:10). The Christ David
Jesus Ascended into Heaven (40 days after His resurrection)
Jesus was taken up to heaven.
He rules all things!
951) John 14:2,3 1. He ascended in bodily form 40 days after Easter.
Acts 1:9-11 p He ascended to prepare a place for us.
Jesus Now Sits at God’s Right Hand (the position of power and glory)
958) Rom 8:34 1. As our High Priest, Jesus Intercedes for us as we pray
956) Eph 4:10,11 1. As our Prophet, Jesus guides us with his word.
Rom 8: (18,28) 38,39 p As our King, Jesus Rules all things for our good.
Rev 1:5b,6 p Therefore, to Him be All glory and honor.