Portable Media USB Flash Drives
Remember when… a keyboard was a piano a memory was something that you lost with age and a virus was the flu ?
Things have changed…
Flash Drives
easy to use, portable, high capacity Flash Drives are easy to use, portable, high capacity, storage devices with a USB interface.
Flash drives plug into the USB port in your computer.
The term, USB Flash Drive is a generic term. They are sold by many different companies and are usually compatible with all laptops and notebook PCs that run Windows 98 and higher.
Flash drives also work with many Mac OS systems that have a USB port.
Flash drives are also known as… Jump drive Jet drive Data traveler Attaché Pen drive Memory stick and…
Thumb drive (Imagine that sticking out of your computer!)
They can look like just about anything.
(Yes, that’s a flash drive in that computer!)
So be careful because they could end up in the toy box.
Flash Drives have some advantages over more traditional devices such as CDs, DVDs, and Floppy Discs.
They are… Small Convenient Durable Rewritable Fast
They can be used by teachers and students to store and share work done at school and at home.
The larger capacity drives can store much more than a CD or DVD. Storage capacity ranges from 32 MB to 64GB. Wow! You can store any type of data from song files to software to video. You can even store a Power Point Presentation!
You can purchase them almost anywhere.
And they can also make a nice fashion statement!
Do you know what this is?
To be continued…
Portable Media Presentation by Celeste Hopkins University of Cincinnati