Chapter 6 Curriculum-Based Classroom Assessment Techniques
Trends in Classroom Assessment Alternative Assessment A response to the criticism of standardized group-administered multiple choice tests Assessment related to content tasks that are important and authentic Emphasis on thinking and problem-solving skills Unresolved issues include: time required, expense, and eliminating bias
Trends in Classroom Assessment Standards-Based Reform Goals 2000 set forth 8 major goals for reform Most states have adopted standards and linked assessment to those standards 1997 IDEA Amendments now mandate inclusion of students with disabilities in state- and district-wide assessments
Trends in Classroom Assessment More Issues and Trends Emphasis on access to general education with appropriate modifications Increased use of portfolio assessment Functional assessment for behavior problems Curriculum-based measurement for academic skills Action research for solving classroom problems
Functional Behavioral Assessment Describing the behavior Identifying factors that influence the behavior Generating a hypothesis Program planning
Curriculum-Based Measurement Brief probes are used to collect samples of critical target behaviors Probes are administered frequently and the data are graphed Results are used to analyze student progress
Action Research Teachers seek answers to questions related to professional practice in a systematic, scientific approach Identified problem to be solved Development of a research plan Data are collected on several variables Data are analyzed to provide answers to the problems
Portfolio Assessment Portfolio assessment is the most common type of alternative assessment used Collections of student work assembled over time A framework or goal of the portfolio should be established Organization and selection of student work samples Student self-evaluation and reflections are included Evaluation of contents of portfolio as to proficiency in the performance of relevant tasks
Managing Student Data Determine areas that need to be assessed Decide on the assessment technique best suited to gather the type of data needed Determine the frequency of measurement Systematically record the data results
Grading and Report Cards Serve at least four purposes: Informational Administrative Motivational Guidance General and special education teachers must often collaborate in grading Differentiated standards for specific assignments can make the process more fair
Grading and Report Cards Types of grades In norm-referenced grading, students are evaluated in relation to the performance of others In criterion-referenced grading, students are evaluated in relation to pre-established performance standards In grading by self-referenced viewpoint, students are graded in relation to their own past performance
Test Accommodations Federal law requires IEP teams to determine what accommodations are needed by students with disabilities to participate in state-, district-, or school- wide assessments
Test Accommodations Timing accommodation Extra time, multiple sessions Setting changes Small group administration, separate test session Presentation Large print, audiotaped instructions Response Answer questions in an alternative manner