Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests 3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting - sign that they are correct 5. Matters arising from those minutes: 6 7. Reports: I. Environment & Footpaths – Judith Balding II. Sunnybank – Dave Bateman III. Traffic – Sarah Dowding (Not available) IV. Neighbourhood Watch - David James V. Planning – Mike Cleugh 8. Monxton Web Site up-date 9. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 11. Matter raised by Councillors 11. Correspondence 12. Date of the next meeting 13. Close of the meeting
Environment & Footpaths ENVIRONMENT The Pillhill Brook APPLICATION NO: 14/00300/FULLN for the construction of a replacement weir at Upper Mill House, Monxton, Andover. This application has been decided as follows: PERMISSION subject to conditions & notes Despite many objections to this Planning Application being made to TVBC, permission has been granted. The TVBC Northern Area Planning Committee met on 15 th July 2014 to consider this application and concluded that this development is considered to be acceptable because it does not impact adversely on the character and appearance of the surrounding area, flooding or ecology, and in these respects complies with the relevant policies of the Test Valley Borough Local Plan Therefore permission was granted subject to development beginning within three years and that it is carried out and completed strictly in accordance with the submitted plans. The decision notice and plan may be viewed on the Council’s website at applications. applications A report by the Wild Trout Trust for recommended works to the Pillhill Brook at Monxton Manor is available on the Monxton Matters website.
Environment & Footpaths ENVIRONMENT The Monxton Flood Advisory Committee This is a sub-committee of, and reportable to, the Monxton Parish Council. In an emergency If flooding occurs from the pumping station, please report it immediately to Southern Water on or If flooding occurs from the Pillhill Brook, report it immediately to the Environment Agency on their incident hotline If it is not an emergency and you have been affected by flooding or have an issue with either the Pumping Station or the Pillhill Brook, please contact the committee member for your area who will liaise on your behalf with Southern Water and the Environment Agency. Sunnybank & Andover Road - David Bateman Chalkpit Lane & Broad Road – Judith Balding High Street & Green Lane (South side) & Abbotts Ann Road– Adrian Drage High Street & Green Lane (North side) & Amport Road – Paul Richards
Environment & Footpaths ENVIRONMENT Pumping Station All residents should have received a letter from Southern Water regarding their plans for the area, including thier Infiltration Reduction Plan (IRP), which is being put in place for Monxton. An IRP is a strategy and action document to manage groundwater infiltration affecting the sewers in the catchment. One of the first IRPs of its type in the UK, it will be updated by Southern Water on a regular basis to show the latest information regarding the progress of work in the village to reduce infiltration. SW representatives were invited to attend tonight’s Parish Council meeting to discuss this document but it has not yet been completed due to requests for changes to it by the EA. SW have agreed to a meeting with our Flood Advisory Committee when it is available. Cllr Balding has had three more meetings since the last Parish Council meeting with Southern Water representatives. We are awaiting confirmation from them that the works which have been requested by the Flood Advisory Committee, on behalf of MPC are to be done. These include: Removing the chain link fencing and erecting a concrete bund with a close board panel fence on top of it around the perimeter of the pumping station. Planting additional hawthorn around the perimeter to help screen the pumping station from neighbouring properties. Repairing all damaged road surfaces and verges along Chalkpit Lane and the main road up to the bridge. Doing all works necessary to rectify the damage to the field and surrounding area adjacent to the pumping station.
Environment & Footpaths ENVIRONMENT Trees The current work on the trees around the Village Hall has been completed and further works will be done at the request of TVBC in the future.. Footpaths & Bridleways The footpaths were cut again recently and will be done again in a few months. Please report any problems with either footpaths or bridleways to Cllr Balding.
Traffic Subject: Ref 14/01527/CMAN Extension of hours at waste transfer station Homestead Farm Penton Corner Objections need to go to HCC not TVBC Fighting the lorries Photos Videos Reporting accidents Press Re-designation of Monxton Road Speed detectors
Neighbourhood Watch Report By David James, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator
Sunnybank Dave Bateman to provide
MPC Finances Richard to provide
MPC Planning Matters Application for retrospective planning for the bridge at Upper Mill House, Ref 13/01556/FULLN – permission granted Application for a new weir at the junction of the old river and the mill race from Lord Tanlaw - permission granted Langley erection of 3 storey 4 bed dwelling 14/00154/FULLN – Appeal lodged by Mr King 14/01292 /FULLN – Aviary Shoetree Cottage – No objection 14/1396 /TREEN Abbotts Mead, Tree felling - No objection
Village Projects Village green clear up Quote for £500 to undertake the work Village Pond project Potential grants available - £2000 from HCC Village verges weed reduction
Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests 3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting - sign that they are correct 5. Matters arising from those minutes: 6 7. Reports: I. Environment & Footpaths – Judith Balding II. Sunnybank – Dave Bateman III. Traffic – Sarah Dowding IV. Neighbourhood Watch - David James V. Planning – Mike Cleugh 8. Monxton Web Site up-date 9. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 11. Matter raised by Councillors 11. Correspondence 12. Date of the next meeting – TBC 17 th September Close of the meeting