HAPPY NOVEMBER welcome to aggie sisters for christ
Our Philanthropy: HOPE PREGNANCY
POINTS Points are due Nov. 23rd for all members and Nov. 16th for girls who are banqueting out Check the google sheet to check your points
Banquet If you are banqueting out, Randi at Points are due Nov 16!
SPOONS YOGURT PROFIT SHARE Wednesday, November 4 Noon - 10 pm Social Point
ATO Bubble Soccer November 13 Penberthy Fields 6-8PM Social Point
Slumber Party Phi Lamb & Phillies November 22 MSC PM Social Point
ASC Merchandise Link closes November 8 at 11:59 PM
Retreat Please fill out the retreat survey posted on Facebook
DUES Second installment due TODAY YAY!! Give the money to WiL group leader WGL we will collect at your WGL meeting You can pay online > marketplace.tamu.edu
Service Thank you to everyone who participated in Habitat for Humanity despite the weather! Hope Donations are due no later than November 23 rd Pine Cove girls for this week, please see me after meeting for some travel forms and information. New service projects with Hope Pregnancy will be added as soon as possible, I will announce on Facebook when they are posted
Paws to the Pavement 5K Service event for ALL of ASC - unlimited spots We are working with a local elementary school, College Hill Elementary in College Station November 21 - begins at 8:45 in the morning & ends when the last runner passes you We will cheer people on, hand out water, etc. Sign up online
WORSHIP NIGHT november 9th // bring bible & journal
APPLY TO BE A NEW GIRL LEADER! Application Process - Pray about it! - /talk/text us if you have questions! - us your heart behind the position - Rec letter from past NGL or WGL Have them it to us as well! Due: November 23
Apply to be a WiL Group Leader Spring Semester! Link on FORMS tab of website! (
Plan spring schedule around ASC
Back to the Basics
SANCTUARY Lord prepare me To be a sanctuary Pure and holy Tried and true And with thanksgiving I’ll be a living Sanctuary Just for You