Homosexuality and the Sacred Tension of Truth and Love Drew Berryessa A Living Letter Ministries
How we respond depends upon: -What we believe about the character and attributes of God -What we believe about sexuality and gender -What we believe about the LGBTQ individual / community -What permission we feel we have to engage
Character and Attributes of God: “God is love and God is sovereign. His love disposes Him to desire our everlasting welfare and His sovereignty enables Him to secure it.” -A.W. Tozer
Character and Attributes of God: “And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purposes” Romans 8:28
Character and Attributes of God: Weight on “love” ▪ Passivity ▪ Cheap grace ▪ Immaturity ▪ Lack of transformation / sanctification ▪ Commandments viewed negatively ▪ Celebration of sin Weight on “truth” ▪ Aggression ▪ Lack of grace ▪ Fear ▪ Legalism ▪ Marginalization ▪ Self righteousness
Sexuality: Secular culture: Expressing sexual desire and identity is one of the most important aspects of your humanity – Little emphasis is given to the impact of behavior on those you engage – Self serving. Church Culture: Sexual behavior is of the utmost concern and scrutinized repeatedly. Greater emphasis on interpersonal impact.. Marginal understanding of the greater spiritual “Meaning”
Sexuality: The Church has done an efficient job of teaching what we are AGAINST, but not a powerful job teaching what we AFFIRM. -Marriage -Singleness -Family -Gender
Sexuality: Intent is Prior to Content… Intent = Purpose Content = Substance
Sexuality: “All sin is equal” “Homosexuality is the worst sin of all! Eternal reality of Sexual Sin ---All sin separates from God and are equally atoned for by the blood of Jesus Earthly reality of Sexual Sin ---Sexual sin is consequentially different.
LGBTQ Person / Community: Secular LGBTQ: Those who claim no identity in Christ and who practice “lifestyle”. Proclaiming and Practicing: Those who claim a Christian identity and who practice / celebrate homosexual (sexually broken) behavior. Proclaiming and Resisting: Those who claim a Christian identity and who struggle against same- sex attractions.
LGBTQ Person / Community: ENEMY ▪ Hostile ▪ Guarded ▪ Focused on differences ▪ See them through the lens of their sin ▪ Reinforces isolation and marginalization ▪ Culture War IMAGE BEARER ▪ Accepting ▪ Compassionate ▪ Finding common ground ▪ Seeks to see the praiseworthy ▪ Invites relationship ▪ Removes obstacles
Permission to engage: Approval: belief that something or someone is good; having a good opinion of. -I agree with and celebrate your choices, beliefs, and conclusions. Acceptance: in human psychology is a person’s assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often negative, uncomfortable, or unwanted) without attempting to change it or protest. In relational terms, it is when you invite and receive someone into relationship, regardless of traits, beliefs, or characteristics that are not desired. -I invite you in and receive you, because I value you and believe you are worthy of love, respect, and relationship
Permission to engage: Conscience vs. Comfort Are we willing to honestly and thoughtfully wrestle with what really constitutes a violation of our conscience, as opposed to what may just make us very uncomfortable? Are we willing to be judged by other believers because of our engagement with the LGBTQ community? Are we willing to sacrifice some of our “freedom” for the sake of those lost and dying in their sin?
Have message… will travel… Drew Berryessa A Living Letter Ministries PO Box Portland, OR