First Draft Strategic Plan Fall, 2015 Your School Name 1
Agenda 2 Item #TopicTime 1Welcome, Introductions, and Agenda Review5 2Strategic Planning Project Overview10 3The Relationship Between the Strategic Plan and the LCAP5 4Review First Draft of Strategic Plan15 5Questions and Next Steps5
Purpose and Outcome Purpose of the Strategic Plan: The Strategic Plan will function like a blueprint: It will outline a vision for SCUSD in the future. It will also function like a roadmap in providing steps necessary to attain the vision. Outcome: A Strategic Plan that aligns closely with our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which pairs actions with resources. A Strategic Plan and LCAP that are feasible and sustainable, reflect the voice of the community, and push the work of the District so that all students are ready for college and career. 4
Timeline for District Work 5 PHASEDATESTATUS Pre-WorkJuly - early August 2015 Discover and Interpret (Needs Assessment) Mid-August - September 2015 Ideate and PrototypeOctober st Cycle of Gathering Feedback and Refining Prototype November, January, nd Cycle of Gathering Feedback and Refining Prototype February - April, 2016 Finalizing, Approval, and Preparing for Implementation May - June 2016
7 Previous Strategic Plan Career and College Ready Students Family and Community Engagement Organizational Transformation LCAP College and Career Ready Students Safe, Clean, Healthy Schools Family and Community Engagement Draft Strategic Plan College and Career Ready Students Safe, Healthy, Engaging Schools Family and Community Empowerment Operational Excellence
Who has been involved with the Strategic Plan? In addition, the district will engage the community in two cycles of feedback (fall and spring). In addition to school site meetings, the district engages through: – Public Education Volunteers – Community Meetings – Online and Paper Surveys for Families, Staff, Students and Community Members 9 Role/TeamRepresentation and Responsibilities Design Team people representing multiple roles across SCUSD Design/develop the process, timeline and any products/outcomes Steering Committee Superintendent’s Cabinet and Board of Education Provide expert consultation for best practices and advise on feasibility Advisory Committees Standing district committees such as LCAP Advisory, DELAC, CAC, etc. Provide feedback on the Strategic Plan and the LCAP.
The draft Strategic Plan was created in this way: Design Team: – Reviewed the Needs Assessment and the goals established by the Superintendent – Brainstormed actions to support each goal – Refined and edited actions Cabinet members/Steering Committee: – Provided input on best practices in their area of expertise The district now looks for community feedback. 10 Strategic Plan Development
Strategic Plan The first draft of the Strategic Plan includes: – Mission: No change (Board-established) – Vision, and Core Values – Four Goals – Actions Under Each Goal – Example Services Under Each Action It is not yet: – Fully integrated with the LCAP – Inclusive of metrics and/or a timeline, and – Aligned to budget 11
Vision and Core Values Vision: Every student is a responsible, productive citizen in a diverse and competitive world. Core Values: – Equity – Achievement – Integrity – Accountability – Efficiency 12 Strategic Plan
College and Career Ready Students SCUSD will challenge and support all students to actively engage in rigorous and relevant curriculum that prepares them for college and career, regardless of zip code, race/ethnicity, ability, language proficiency, and life circumstance. Examples: – Implementing standards-based curriculum, work based learning, expanded instructional technology, systems to support low income, English Learners, students of color, arts education, opportunities for students to explore college and career 13 Strategic Plan
Safe, Healthy and Engaging Schools SCUSD will cultivate clean, healthy, safe and inviting school environments that foster student engagement, promote daily attendance, and remove barriers to learning. Examples: – Districtwide implementation of Social Emotional Learning practices, wrap-around health and mental health services, Restorative Practices, Bullying Prevention, safe, welcoming school environments 14 Strategic Plan
Family and Community Empowerment SCUSD will provide tools and family empowerment opportunities that are linked to supporting student academic achievement and social emotional competencies, in order for families to be equal and active partners in their child’s educational success. Examples: – Expanded classes for parents, home visits, culturally competent communication, Parent Resource Centers, community partnerships 15 Strategic Plan
Operational Excellence SCUSD will be a service-focused organization. We will consistently serve students, families, staff and community with efficient and effective programs, practices, policies and procedures at every point of contact across the district. Examples: – Districtwide standards for customer service, recruiting and hiring more diverse staff, identifying and addressing inefficiencies in the system, developing and using data to assess impact on student achievement and district operations 16 Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Survey Additional copies of the draft Strategic Plan and survey are available on paper or online. Translated versions are available in five languages: – Spanish, Hmong, Vietnamese, Chinese and Russian As you complete the paper survey, make sure that you follow the directions as closely as possible. – For example, under each goal, each action should be given a different priority number – you cannot rank all items with the same number. Surveys are anonymous, but if you would like to be added to the Strategic Plan mailing list, you may include your . 18
Strategic Plan Survey Feedback from the online surveys will submit automatically. Paper copies must be manually input by staff at the district office. Please return them to the school office, and we will send to the Serna Center Parent Resource Center. Please advocate! Encourage others to participate in the survey, to learn more and to give feedback, attend community and Board of Education meetings, and participate in school-site meetings, as appropriate. If you know of high school students, please encourage them to take the survey, too. 19
Next Steps Reminder: Next draft of the strategic plan will be integrated with the LCAP and will include metrics and a timeline. 21 ActivityDates Launch draft and survey11/9 Hold meetings, gather feedback and share with district 11/9 – 12/11 District collects feedback, analyzes data, and develops the next draft of the Strategic Plan Mid-December - February Cycle 2 FeedbackMarch or April Paper Surveys are due December 15!
22 Strategic Plan LCAP Draft (March 2016) Adoption (June 2016) Implementation ( School Year) SPSA Strategic Plan and the LCAP
Resources Strategic Plan Website: Needs Assessment: assessment assessment Survey: LINK HERE LCAP: 23
CONTACT INFO: Al Rogers: Cathy Morrison: Sean Alexander: Have Questionst?