Query Health Technical WG Update 12/1/2011
Agenda TopicTime Slot F2F Update (Actions, Decisions and FollowUps) 2:05 – 2:50 pm Wrap Up2:50 - 2:55 pm
F2F Meeting Summary Results of the Meeting can be broadly classified into the following Identified the Query Health specifications and standards Identified the components of the Reference Implementation and the components that we can leverage from the existing distributed query implementations to build the Reference Implementation Identified a number of parallel work streams to document the specifications and standards and create the Reference Implementation Actions and areas of concern that need to be further analyzed
Query Health Specifications and Standards Context Information Requestors Queries Results Queries Results Query Network CIM Responding Organization “1” Responding Organization “N” Four Areas targeted for standardization to promote interoperability 1.Query Envelope to package queries and results 2.Query Format to express queries in a declarative format 3.Results Format to express results in a declarative format 4.Query Data Model to promote common data element definitions across organizations
Query Health Specifications and Standards Specifications PurposeStandards Selected to create the specifications Rationale Query EnvelopeRequired to package queries, results and associated metadata in an interoperable manner PopMedNet QueryEnvelope The Query Envelope allows a generic way to package queries and results and is agnostic to the actual query or results and their formats. In addition the envelope carries the required metadata to enforce the Query Health security and policy sandbox requirements. Query FormatRequired to promote interoperability among the various query network participants within and across query networks HQMF * * - The existing standard has to be modified for Query Health purposes. The HQMF standard allows for expressing a large majority of queries related to Meaningful Use, ACO related queries, Comparative effectiveness, Population measures and basic research related queries. In addition it allows for Queries to be represented in a declarative fashion independent of the implementation language. For Queries which cannot be represented using HQMF the Query Health Reference Implementation will provide native format options to express queries. Results FormatRequired to promote interoperability among the various query network participants within and across query networks QRDA Category III ** ** - The existing standard will have to be analyzed further before finalizing. This was not discussed during the F2F but was mentioned a couple of times. The QRDA Category III allows for returning aggregate or summary level results that will be useful too report results for Meaningful Use, ACO, Comparative effectiveness results and many basic research results related to populations. In addition it allows for Results to be represented in a declarative fashion independent of the implementation language. For Results which cannot be represented using QRDA the Query Health Reference Implementation will provide other options based on MIME Types. Query Data Definitions Required to create executable queries and promote common data definitions between information requestors and responding organizations The Query Data Definitions will be created as part of the Query Health Initiative based on sections in C32. The Query Data Definitions will allow query composers to know what data exists for queries and also allows for a common definition of the data across organizations. The C32 sections were chosen as a source to identify the data elements since it is supported by a large majority of EMR’s.
Query Health Reference Implementation Top Level Components PopMedNet Components Standards Translation Components i2B2 Components hQuery Components hQuery Query Builder UX HQMF Query Builder UX PMN Portal PMN Data Client HQMF to Procedural Translator hQuery Execution Enginei2B2 Execution Engine Data Sources Native to QRDA Translator i2B2 Query Builder UX Results Viewer hQuery CIM (JSON) i2B2 CIM (STAR Schema) C32 or ETL Policy Enablement Components HQMF * JavaScript SQL Native Formats * QRDA Category III * - For Queries or results that cannot be translated to standards, native formats will be passed through the various components and will be executed successfully Query Envelope Requesting Organization Responding Organization
Work Streams for Reference Implementation PopMedNet Work Stream Create the next version of PopMedNet which includes specifications and details that facilitate the integration of i2B2 and hQuery Integration of i2B2 and hQuery via Plugins Initial discussion on plugin architecture started at the F2F meeting. Document the Query Envelope Standards and specification I2B2 Work Stream Check the feasibility of mapping C32 to i2B2 STAR Schema Work on i2B2 query handoff integration to PMN Portal Work on PMN Data Client handoff to i2B2 hQuery Work Stream Understand the C32 to JSON mapping for the user stories Work on hQuery query handoff integration to PMN Portal Work on PMN Data Client handoff to hQuery Standards Work Stream Transforms from i2B2 and hQuery to HQMF Query Builder Interface for HQMF (Possibly MAT from NQF) Translation from HQMF to i2B2 and hQuery and handoffs with PMN Data Client Native Results to QRDA Translation ---- **** New, was not discussed at F2F Document the HQMF Changes Required / Constraints required / Implementation guidance Document the QRDA Changes Required / Constraints required / Implementation guidance
Actions related to Work Streams Actions assigned to the Support Team: Setup Google Code Repository for the Reference Implementation development Coordinate the different work stream activities and setup appropriate off-line meetings to flush out details Setup repository of C32 documents for usage within the RI Setup meeting with EMR and HIE vendors to discuss C32 vs ETL vs other approaches to integrate Data Sources to CIM Model Area of Concern that was expressed and needs to be understood better Post the Technical Approach document to the wiki for review and feedback by the group so that we can move towards consensus on the approach quickly.
Next Steps Review and Provide Feedback on the Technical Approach Sign up and volunteer for the various work streams Will be setting up wiki’s to perform the activities in the various work streams