By: Mark Arvieux Michael Fruchtman Marcelino Higuera
Goal and Motivation Semi-autonomous phone settings Managed settings Painful errors o Cellphone confiscated during midterms o Phone calls during movies Convenience o One touch settings
Theory Crowdsouring theory o Many people, known goal, and a problem o Crowdcasting Similar projects o o GalaxyZoo
Physical Requirements Android based phone, may be extensible though Bandwidth Requirements o GSM: 236.8Kbit downlink, 60Kbit uplink o 3GSM: 2.0Mbit downlink and increasing,200Kbit uplink and increasing o CDMA:1.5Mbit total downlink and uplink GSM Voice bandwidth uses 13.2Kbit per second, but smartphones use much more bandwidth even idle
Methodology Research o Mobile ad-hoc networking o Network topology protocols o Crowdsourcing theory Construct a protocol o Messages and Data Structures o Operations o Attach to another protocol that maintains network topology
Test Plan Select 3 ad hoc networking protocols for possible extension with messages and data structures. o AODV o TBRPF o LCA Develop Test Scenarios o New node joins existing network o Network setup o Tabulator leaves network o... Choose metrics for performance based on use cases.
Current Work Data Structures Vote Tabulation Table
Current Work Setting Categories o Speakerphone o Microphone o Volume [0-7] Seven is experimentally determined maximum for android. Messages o Vote o Directive o Joins
Remaining Work Network topology protocols chosen o Test cases and results Test case analysis o bandwidth o reliability o correctness o processing time Revision...