Prerequisite Office 2013 has OneDrive already installed, no action required If still on Office 2010, you will need OneDrive installed on your machine (by help desk) OneDrive app installed on the iPad Microsoft Office apps installed on the iPad
Classroom Rules Mute/Turn off Cell Phones If you have an emergency, please step outside Low tech – until it’s time ;) Participate – take charge of your learning! Let’s commit to start on time. Please return promptly from breaks.
Objectives At the end of the session, you will be able to: Describe OneDrive and when to use it Create a folder structure in OneDrive Access OneDrive from multiple devices Share folders with others Notify others that they have files available to view Maintain files in OneDrive
What is OneDrive? Cloud Based storage system Accessible from multiple devices (iPad, iPhone, Android, Laptop, Desktop) From anywhere you have an internet connection Able to be shared With individuals inside of Glazer’s With “everyone” (internal to Glazer’s) With individuals outside of Glazer’s Multiple ways to retrieve files
Discussion Let’s brainstorm how we want to use OneDrive
When would we use it?
Accessing OneDrive from Internet
How do I get to it? Go to Input address, no password needed (yet)
How do I get to it? Click on “Work or school account” You will be redirected to a signon page for Glazer’s.
How do I get to it? At the sign-on page, you will input your address and network password. Click “Sign in”
Navigating to OneDrive
Let’s Go! Get out your computers and let’s go to OneDrive via the web! Type in your address bar Input address (no password needed) Once redirected, type in address and network password This will take you to Outlook, click on the icon in the top left hand corner to go to the applications selection area Select OneDrive
Any Questions?
Accessing OneDrive from your Computer
From Explorer
Moving Files Click and drag files to OneDrive
Let’s Practice Choose a file and move it from your documents to OneDrive
Accessing OneDrive from Mobile Device
From your iPad Access OneDrive application from your iPad
Click on Sign In
Input Address
Click “Next”
Sign in to OneDrive for Business
Will Redirect to Org sign in page
Input Network Password
See your list of files… You can also see your “Shared with me” here
Let’s Practice! Get out your iPad Sign on to OneDrive from your iPad
The “File Cabinet” VS
How to use it? Create a folder structure Decide how you want to share Create folders Start at the highest level Work down through the tree
Sharing Information Group Exercise Supplies Needed Post-It Notes Marker Flip chart Camera Phone Instructions Think about how you are going to use OneDrive in your communications with teams. Decide your strategy for sharing information Write the folders you want on Post It notes Place them on the flip chart in a tree format starting with the most general to the most specific. Take a picture of what you created together as a model.
Debrief the Activity
Sharing Files from OneDrive
Provisioned “Shared with Everyone”
Setting Access Permissions
Sharing with Everyone
Receive a Notice that File is Shared Click on the link and it will direct you to OWA365 where you will put in your address. It will then take you to a signon page for Glazer’s you will input your network password
How your Team will Access Click on the link and it will direct you to OWA365 where you will put in your address. It will then take you to a signon page for Glazer’s you will input your network password
Safari Instructions
Folder Contents Here you will click on the “jack in the box” and it will bring up a prompt to send the link out. At this point select “Add Bookmark” and it will save a bookmark on your Safari browser
Bookmarks on Safari
OneDrive App Instructions
Go to OneDrive Click on the “Shared” icon
Click on “Shared” These are the files that are shared
Let’s Practice! Pick a partner Share out a file with your partner Access the file via your iPad Bookmark site from iPad
Things to Keep in Mind Excel for iPad is not as robust as Excel on the laptop or PC Test how a workbook is viewed on the iPad before notifying staff to be sure they can do what needs to be done on it. Pivot tables have some functionality on the iPad (to read but not create) Filters can function in workbooks (to use but not create) Keep size reasonable since they may not be in a WiFi area when they pull up the file. Large files take a lot of bandwidth and time to load. Do not use special characters in your file or folder naming. They have a problem syncing between your machine and the internet.
Let’s Review After today’s session, you can: Describe OneDrive and when to use it Create a folder structure in OneDrive Access OneDrive from multiple devices Share folders with others Notify others that they have files available to view Maintain files in OneDrive