Thessaloniki Technology Park Center for Research & Technology Hellas (6 Public Research Institutes with 450 staff, researchers, technicians, administrative, external) Business Incubator: 11 companies Management & Development Corporation S.A exists since 1994, employing 3 persons
Питання, що розглядаються в презентації Технопарк в Салоніках Регіон Центральної Македонії Краєвиди в Салоніках Околиці Салоніків Цифри та статистика Інкубатору Модель Бизнес-інкубатору Цільові групи Інкубатору Направлення Інкубатору за галузями Критерії для входу в Інкубатор Послуги, які надає Інкубатор
Region of Central Macedonia
Some views of Thessaloniki
1km Our neighborhood ….
Incubator figures & statistics Total space m 2 (30, 60 & 90 m 2 ) 130 Expression of interests Hosted till now 32 companies Today situated companies 10 (22 have left) Average annual turnover for the Incubator 1,6 Μ€ Annual Turnover ~ 4,5 mil. Euro Average job positions 55 (49) Average staying in the Incubator 3,6 years
?? Support Services Evaluation Acceptance EXIT Business Incubator Model
Incubator target group The Incubator Building is open to: Individuals Companies Legal Entities Interested in transforming innovative ideas into new technology, products or services having a potential of a successful business
The Incubator focuses on the fields of: Information & Communication Technologies Biotechnology Food and Beverage Chemicals (new materials, polymers) Energy sector (strong) Pharmaceuticals
Entrance Criteria General - Connection with Technological Research & Economic Growth - Other initiatives regarding know – how dissemination - Turnover - Reliability and viability Specific - Business Plan - Schedule and Deliverables - Innovative character
Incubator Services TTP/MDC SA supports the tenants by providing services as: Secretarial and financial services support Telecommunications, free internet, hosting, Assistance for participation in E.U & National R & D programs Partners search Basic IPR support services, networking, training, etc
End of presentation …. Thank you for your time Contact details: Centre for Research & Technology Hellas Liaison Office Nikos Katsiadakis, ,