Finance or Entrepreneurship? Finance/ Principles of Business: Individual Finance Job Interview Principles of Finance Human Resources (National) Finance Team Entrepreneurship: Business Services Marketing Principles of Business Administration Principles of Hospitality and Tourism Principles of Marketing Quick Serve Restaurant Management Sports and Entertainment Marketing Misc: Public Service Broadcasting Announcement Sales Demonstration Public Speaking Prepared
Finance Team Event General Info: 10 minute role play 100 question test Each team member takes test individually – then scores are averaged National event Description: 20 minute prep time: - Discuss what you know about the given topic Sample Topic: Discussing and comparing investments (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.)
Individual Finance Event General Info: 10 minute role play 100 question test National event Description: 20 minute prep time: - Discuss what you know about the given topic Sample Topic: Discussing and comparing investments (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.)
Principles of Finance General Info: 10 minute role play 100 question test National event 1 st year DECA competitors only Description: 10 minute prep time to : - Discuss what you know about the given topic Sample Topic: Discussing and comparing investments (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.)
Job Interview General Info: 10 minute interview No Test! State event Description: - Prepare a resume (beforehand) for a specific entry level position in the Sears Corporation - Complete an application before your role play for that position - Interview for the job in a 10 minute role play
Human Resources (National) General Info: 10 Minute role play Test National event Description: - Assume the role of a an employee that must solve a human relations problem - 10 minute prep time to read the situation and formulate a response - Sample Problem: Employees stealing from the business's supplies
Principles or National? Principles -- first year DECA competitors only minute interview -- national event question test -- tell what you know about a topic National - 10 minute interview - national events question test - solve a problem
Principles of Business Administration General Info: 10 minute role play 100 question test National event 1 st year DECA competitors only Description: 10 minute prep time to: - Discuss what you know about the given topic Sample Topic: types of businesses (corporations, partnerships, franchises, etc.)
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism General Info: 10 minute role play 100 question test National event 1 st year DECA competitors only Description: 10 minute prep time to: - Discuss what you what you know about the given topic Sample Topic: professional communication through s and etiquette
Principles of Marketing General Info: 10 minute role play 100 question test National event 1 st year DECA competitors only Description: 10 minute prep time to: - Discuss what you know about the given topic Sample Topic: efficient ways to survey and gather information and feedback
Business Services Marketing General Info: 10 minute interview 100 question test National event Description: 10 minute prep time to: - develop an idea to main problem Sample Topic: ways to improve communications with customers through the company website
Decision Making Marketing General Info: 10 minute interview No Test! State Event Description: - Assume the role of a an employee that must solve a marketing problem - 10 minute prep time to read the situation and formulate a response - Sample Problem: Promoting a farm
Marketing Management General Info: 10 minute role play 100 question test National event Description: 10 minute prep time to: - Brainstorm ideas to the problem Sample Topic : advantages and disadvantages of participating in global business
Quick Serve Restaurant Management General Info: 10 minute interview 100 question test National Event Description: 10 minute prep time to: - develop an idea to the main problem Sample Topic: Inventory management and control
Public Service Broadcasting Announcement General Info: -- Does not compete at Regionals! -- No Test! -- State Event Description: - Create a 30 second broadcast commercial ad - After the video is presented, an interview will follow with questions about your broadcast theme: Encouraging quality education
Sales Demonstration General Info: - 10 minute sales pitch (prewritten and rehearsed) - No Test! - State Event Description: - 10 minutes to try to sell a product or service of choice to the judges
Public Speaking Prepared