Theme a main subject or idea theme song 主题歌, 主题曲.


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Presentation transcript:

theme a main subject or idea theme song 主题歌, 主题曲

amuse v. make sb. happy or smile amusement n. be amused at / by / with 以 … 为乐

amusement entertainment development enjoyment

various adj. all kinds of variety n. a variety of 各种各 样的,品类繁多的


Ferris wheel roller coaster

shuttle aircraft or bus that travels regularly between two places

charge n./v. The fruit seller charged me too much money. I was in charge of this expedition( 探险 ) The patient is in the charge of the nurse. in charge of 负责, 照看, 管理 in the charge of 由 … 负责 / 照看 / 管理 Practice: The baby is _______ Mary. A in charge of B in the charge of C on charge of D under charge of

admission n. admit v. 凭票进场 免费入场 Admission by ticket only admission free

profit v./n.  make a profit on  sell at profit  operate at profit 在 … 上获利 销售获利 经营获利


Involve v. 使... 陷入... e.g. Li Ming involved himself in the crime.

athletic adj. athletic sports an athletic club 体育运动 运动员俱乐部


equipment n. things needed for a particular purpose 实验设备 办公设备 运动设备 一件设备 a piece of equipment laboratory equipment office equipment sports equipment


come to life be active; become real; come alive

minority 少数民族地区 the minority areas n. be in a/the minority 是少数派

fantasy live in a fantasy world 生活在幻想世界里 fantasyland get close to come /go near sb. or sth.


marine found in the sea or produced by the sea adj.


imaginary adj. existing only in the mind ; not real imagination n. advance v. in advance 预先 in advance of 在 … 前面 ; 在 … 之 advanced adj. 高等教育 高等数学 advanced education advanced mathematics

technique n. 现代技术 先进技术 modern techniques advanced techniques imagination


vary v. change varied

cloth 不可数名词,没有复数 a piece of cloth 表示具体用途的布时, 是可数名词 a table-cloth a dishcloth a floorcloth


jungle jungle animals

mysterious keeping sth. secret creature person or animal creature of the age 时代的产物


up-to-date adj. modern 反义词 :out-of-date up-to-date style/methods out-of date clothes/ideas excitement n. excite v. combination n. combine v.

volunteer n/v. volunteer to do sth. volunteer for sth. 自愿做某事 自愿 … 自愿服兵役 volunteer to join the army volunteer for military service

translator n.  translation n.  translate v.  translate…into 把 … 译成 …