Sustaining business continuity post disaster Genevieve Togiaso
Kia Ora, Kia orana, Malo e Lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Taloha ni, Talofa Lava and Greetings
Services we provide: GP Clinic Community Nursing Community Social Work Well Child Outreach Immunisation Nutrition Advice Smoking Cessation Mental Health Community support Alcohol & Drug support Approved provided of Child Youth & Family Services to deliver – Social programmes – Strengthen fanau/families – Domestic violence and child abuse prevention and education for parents Support with enrolment & transitioning Pacific children to school and improve early childhood development Earthquake Support
Our Vision “Pacific Trust Canterbury will be the provider of choice in health, social and educational services to Pacific children young people and families delivered by Pacific People with Pacific values”
Our Mission “To enable Pacific and all communities to reach their full potential through the provision of quality services”
Service provision multiple significant changes client base demographics have changed Loss of key leaders, managers and staff within the organisation
In the past 6 months… Hoon Hay Medical Centre Shirley Road, Caledonian Clinic – Separated community services to Rowley House Permanent Home in Montreal Street
Pacific Health Outreach – Christchurch City wide Facilitated by the Ministry of Health Pacific Provider collaboration 8 week community snapshot of needs Door knocking and referral Community workshops Flu vaccinations
Target individuals individuals visited at least once 991 moved from last address 1130 not home 1367 individual assessments completed 527 household assessments completed 28 declined assessment