My Learning Presentation Sarah Nash ADB Europe 27 th August 2004 Confidential
1 Presentation Outline My Background My Role at Lehman Brothers The Best Parts so far What I have learnt Soft Skills Changes I would make My Development Action plan for my return to University
2 My Background City University, London BSc Business Computing Systems (Sandwich Course) Lehman Brothers is my first experience in the work place…
3 My Role at Lehman Brothers ADB Data Quality Analyst What is ADB? ADB is the abbreviation for the Asset Database It contains all of the technological and organisational assets of Lehman Brothers. This information can be used for: Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Improved Hardware Management Efficient accountability for assets
4 My Role at Lehman Brothers My Tasks include: Producing various reports on European ADB Data Quality Providing modelling support Organising training for ADB Monitoring the statistics and dealing with the changes
5 The Best Parts so far The opportunity to put into practice the skills I acquired at University The opportunity to learn about an industry of which I had very limited knowledge The fact that others value your opinions and views and actually take them into account during decision making Having responsibilities from the start The Culture Community Work - Oakland’s School
6 What I have learnt Greater knowledge of the Industry Structure and Content of ADB Improved Technical Skills Rapid SQL Microsoft Access and Excel Popular reporting methods Improved Soft Skills
7 Soft Skills COMMUNICATION - s -Meetings -Conference Calls! CONFIDENCE -Having freedom to ask questions -Being trusted TEAM WORK -Working with those in UK and USA PROFESSIONALISM - Importance of appearance and attitude
8 Changes I would make… I would start asking questions from the start, it saves time and everything becomes much clearer!
9 My Development Becoming more familiar with the structure of ADB In depth reporting using Business Objects Ability to sort out ADB related questions immediately Knowing immediately where to search for the information I need Confidence
10 When I return to University… Make more informed module choices using the knowledge I have gained from this experience. Be more focused and appreciative of learning opportunities Enjoy the 2 day week and the 5 day weekend!
11 Questions