Edexcel History Paper One This paper tests your ability to apply the facts you have learnt during the course.
Broadwater Department What will I have to do? There will be two questions on the USA 1941 to Watergate. There will be two questions on Superpower Relations since 1945.
Broadwater Department What do I have to answer? You will answer one of the questions on the USA. You will answer one of the questions on Superpower Relations. Read through both questions on a given topic and answer the one where you stand the best chance of doing well.
Broadwater Department What is Part A of a Question? Contains 4 questions: total 20 marks. a) Several sentences: 3 marks. b) Short paragraph: 5 marks. c) Short paragraph: 5 marks. d) Several paragraphs: 7 marks.
Broadwater Department What is Part B of a Question? There are two sections to Part B. There is an essay that carries 10 marks. There is a 15 mark scaffolding essay. This essay contains a writing frame.
Broadwater Department How will I answer a Question? The examiners are testing factual recall. Ensure that you provide the correct facts for the set question. Read the question carefully and look for the topic and type of answer.
Broadwater Department What is the Topic? The “topic” is the instruction that tells you what to write about. If you get this wrong, you will get NO MARKS for your answer, no matter how many facts it includes. Stop and THINK and then PLAN how you will answer the question, by listing the facts that are relevant.
Broadwater Department What is the Type of question? The “type” is the type, or sort of answer to give. Examiners provide precise instructions about the type of answer they expect. Look for key words like: describe, key features, explain, causes, consequences and phrases like “how successful was?” and “to what extent would you agree with?” an interpretation.
Broadwater Department How to “describe” Describe is asking you to write a description of the key features. To answer this type of question: Plan by writing a list. Write out the list, include explanation of the points by showing your knowledge of the historical context. These questions carry 3 or 5 marks.
Broadwater Department How to “key features” Plan before starting by listing the main, or important “key features”. To do this you must identify the “topic” of the question. ie. What were the key features of McCarthyism/Civil Rights/Great Society? Write about the key features and link them together and/or place them into their historical context. This type of question carries 5, 7 or 10 marks
Broadwater Department How to do “explain” questions “Explain” is a direct instruction to provide some explanation about the topic on which the question is set. ie. Explain the reasons why there was a fear of communism in the USA. Plan by listing the reasons: Cold War, spy scandals, McCarthyism. Answer the question by explaining about each of the reasons you listed in your introduction. Place each one into its historical context and/or link it to the other causes. This type of question could carry 7 or 10 marks.
Broadwater Department Causes or Consequences? This type of question carries 5, 7 or 10 marks. Planning is essential! Write out a list of causes or results related to the topic of the question. ie. What were the causes/consequences of the anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s?: Cold War, spy scandals, McCarthyism / intolerance, fear of change, banning on Communist Party, loss of jobs, HUAC, McCarthyism, holding back civil rights reforms. Use your plan to inform your answer. Sort your list into an order (usually chronological) that actually answers the question. This becomes your introduction. The introduction is the “road map” for your answer. Use paragraphs to develop/explain each cause or consequence by providing descriptive detail, placing it in its historical context or linking it to the other causes or consequences you will be writing about.
Broadwater Department How successful was? This type of question carries 10 marks. ie. How successful was the Great Society? This answer requires an essay (structured) answer. A structured answer requires a plan! Look for the “topic” words: Great Society. Look for the “type” words: how successful? You are being asked to judge “success”. You will need to decide what “success” meant: the extent to which it achieved its aims: so the answer must include its aims, as well as a final judgement, based on facts. Your plan has produced the road map for a three paragraph answer. Your introduction sums up the answer. Your three paragraphs develop the ideas in your introduction. Your conclusion should match your introduction.
Broadwater Department Historical Interpretation This question carries 10 marks, ie. The Great Society was successful in achieving its aims. To what extent would you agree with this interpretation of history? Your answer should follow the same pattern as for an essay. Look for the “topic” words: Great Society. Look for the “type” words: how successful? You are being asked to judge if you agree that it was “successful”. You will need to decide what “successful” meant: the extent to which it achieved its aims: so the answer must include its aims, as well as a your final judgement, based on facts. Your plan has produced the road map for a three paragraph answer. Your introduction sums up the answer. Try to identify ways in which it did and did not achieve its aims. Your three paragraphs develop the ideas in your introduction. Your conclusion should match your introduction.
Broadwater Department Scaffolding Question Contains four points that should be included in your answer. Plan carefully. Make sure you explain the relevance of each point to the question that you are answering. Write a paragraph on each point. Make links between the paragraphs by placing the points into their historical context. Try to include a point of your own.
Broadwater Department Summing it all Up! Don’t Panic. Read both of the available questions. Chose the one you can do most parts. Divide your time up – 1 hour for each question. There are 35 marks for each question, so approximately: 1.5 minutes a mark. Do the right number of questions.
Broadwater Department Summing it all Up! Before each answer: STOP and THINK: what is it actually asking me? PLAN an answer: check it answers the question. WRITE the answer: all the time show how you are actually answering the set question!
Broadwater Department Summing it all Up: last words! Plan each answer. Don’t Panic: half marks will = Grade C. Constantly check you are actually answering the question. Imagine that you are explaining the answer to someone who does not know the answer – but who will know if you are waffling!
Broadwater Department 19 Good Luck and Enjoy! The exam is your chance to shine! ENJOY IT! The exam is your chance to show just how clever and talented you are! Enjoy It! Believe you will do well, and remember after today, there will be no more Paper One to worry about!