Middle School Teachers Kuwait Day 1 Mary Lou McCloskey Strategies for Teaching English Language to Middle School Learners
TESOL 2015 Introduction
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1.Please silence mobile devices 2.Note-taking encouraged; slides (without photos) will be posted at 3.Strategies Guide 4.Modeling Process 5.Collect Strategies
Agenda 1.Community-Buildiing through languagein the Classroom 2.Needs Assessent 3.Characeristics of the learner 4.Princples of active, interactive learning (with practices that illustrate them
How to make a Name Tent
BUILDING COMMUNITY Name Tents Postcard Life History ( McCloskey) Marvelous Modifiers ( Go To, p. 29 ) Things in Common ( Go To, p. 30) 3 Truths, 1 Lie ( Go To, p. 30 ) Stir the Class ( Go To, p. 37) Team Names Levine, L. N., Lukens, L., & Smallwood, B. A. (2013). The GO TO strategies: Scaffolding options for teachers of English language learners, K-12. For Project EXCELL. Available online at orhttp://facstaff.bloomu.edu/dwalker/Documents/go-to- strategies.pdfwww.cal.org/excellhttp://facstaff.bloomu.edu/dwalker/Documents/go-to- strategies.pdf
(Draw) When I was young… (Draw) I love to … (Draw) My goal for this workshop is… (My name is)______ (I live in)______ (I am a)______ (Draw) Important people in my life are… Postcard Life History
Model. Learners create cards. Scaffold as needed. Share with a partner. Partners exchange cards. Partners share with a second pair, each person introducing partner, or Each introduces partner to whole group.
Pair-share Ask a question or give a problem Learners have time to think/write about it Learners share ideas with a partner Pair joins another pair. Each person shares his/her partner’s ideas
Teach “Zero Noise and Full Attention” for instructions 0 noise signal means: No noise “Six eyes on me” If someone near you hasn’t seen the signal, show it to them Rehearse using the signal
2. Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment In a group of 4, discuss: 1.Challenges of English language education in Kuwait 2.Hopes/goals for how this workshop can address one or more of these challenges
Teach learners how to collaborate Create a Cooperative groups rubric. Pair- share: How should we behave during a discussion so everyone learns? ▫ 17
What a good discussion looks like Students are on topic Everyone is engaged and participating Everyone has a role Respecting ideas when we disagree Giving different points of view Sharing opinions and ideas Accept and build on one another’s ideas One person speaks at a time Multilevel groups Comes to a consensus Listening and repeating others’ ideas 18
Teach learners how to collaborate Cooperative groups rubric. How should we behave during a discussion? ▫ Listen to one another ▫ Check our understanding ▫ Speak one at a time ▫ Connect what we say to the persons before ▫ Try to come to consensus, or explain our disagreements and understand the other side. 19
Teach learners how to collaborate Fishbowl While a group discusses, have other learners stand around the outside and take notes on their participation, using the rubric. Then debrief, talking about what was done well and how the group members could do even better. 20
Fishbowl: Let’s Try it! 21
Exit Ticket: Hopes and Goals Write your most important hopes/goals on post-its. Post on your way out