Seventh planet from the sun Average distance between Uranus and the sun is about 1.75 billon miles
Hydrogen Helium Methane Temperature: -353 F (-214 C) mph winds
Revolution Period: Earth years 91% of gravity on Earth Rotation period: 17 hours 14 minutes Orbital Period: 84 Years, 3 Days, Hours Orbital Speed:6.6 km/sec
oThird largest planet o11 known rings( Range up to 10 meters across) oOuter planet (pass asteroid belt) oHas 27 natural satellites(50% water ice, 30% rock, and 20% carbon and nitrogen material) o21 known moons oGas giant oBlue because of frozen methane
Diameter: 32,193 miles 51,810 km Solar Distance: billon km Equatorial diameter: 51,118 km 19 times as far from the sun as the Earth
Voyager 2 launched on August 20, 1977 Only 1 visit to Uranus
Core of molten rock Multiply your weight by 0.93 Uranus was named after Ouranos, one of the first gods in Greek mythology Uranus’ moons have names from Shakespearean plays.
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