Report from the Danish UBL sub committee UBL TC Manhattan, January Peter L. Borresen, IT architect, Danish IT and Telecom agency
Danish UBL activities autumn 2005 OIO e-faktura eBusiness Framework UBL activities International alliance activities
OIO e-faktura Won the eEurope Transformation Award Million invoices exchanged every month 1 year anniversary 1th of February Running like any other eBusiness service (quote: Mach) Private companies start requiring electronic invoices expressed as OIO e-faktura
The exchange of documents with OIO e-faktura Native xml Scanned
Approvements of OIO e-faktura Schematron validation done according to the legislation. Utility suppliers starts sending invoices with extended content by end of March Guideline for attachment to invoices for buildings has been developed.
eBusiness framework, questions How do we engage small companies and private persons to send native xml documents? What is the best architecture for exchanging document in the Danish public sector? How do we deploy this architecture to the most common used eBusiness software?
eBuisiness Framework, answers A public free-of-charge end point repository is needed (could be based on UDDI) Tools for sending and receiving documents must be provided. A library for incorporating this into the vendors software must be provided. VANS will still be important but with more focus on Value Added
UBL activities Catalogue workshop, national and international has been held Proposal for five catalogue messages has been submitted to UBL Workshop on UBL 2.0 has been held. Procurement scenario from the Danish public sector has been described.
International alliance activities British-Danish understanding on making UBL ”ready to use” Early focus on cross border pilot. Work on making a Nordic/UK profile with weekly meetings Work on getting IDABC back to the procurement process Collaboration with the Nordic bank association The adoption of UBL in UN/CEFACT is a key to many doors on this road.
Requirements from the Nordic/UK profile group UBL is not an academic exercise, but a real life project We need interoperability not a way to build UBL- islands We need managed extension incorporated in UBL We need concepts of how to do subsets and customisation. We want usage guidelines for UBL.