E mpowering I magination A pplying K nowledge E xploring I nnovations T omorrow S eizing O pportunities A ccelerating B usiness I nspiring I nnovations E mpowering I magination A pplying Knowledge Explore S eizing O pportunities A ccelerating B usiness I nspiring T omorrow E mpowering I magination A pplying K nowledge E xploring Innovation T omorrow S eizing O pportunities A ccelerating Business I nspiring T Innovation & Creativity
Definitions: Innovate: to introduce as or as if new; to make changes; to do something in a new way. Create: to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior; to produce through imaginative skill; to make or bring into existence something new. (from Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition)
Innovation & Creativity Creative Problem Solving THE ADAPTOR: Precise, methodological approach Focus on solving problems Refine current practices Means oriented Capable of extended detail work Sensitive to group cohesion and cooperation
Innovation & Creativity Creative Problem Solving THE INNOVATOR: Approaches tasks from unusual angles Discovers problems and avenues for solutions Questions basic assumptions More interested in ends Little tolerance for routine Little or no need for consensus
Innovation & Creativity Barriers to Creativity One “Correct” Answer Being Logical Following the “Rules” Being Practical Becoming Specialized Avoiding Ambiguity Fearing Mistakes/Failure Believing You Are NOT Creative
Innovation & Creativity Statements That Inhibit Creativity No. Can’t. Are you kidding? We’ve never done anything like that before. That’s stupid. It’s not in the budget. We’ve done alright so far.
Innovation & Creativity Questions to Spur Creativity Is there a new way to do it? Can you give it a different twist? What if we do the opposite? Can the parts be rearranged? Can we put it to other uses? Can ideas be combined? What else could we make from this? Can you borrow or adapt it?
Innovation & Creativity Ways to Enhance Creativity Expect creativity Expect and tolerate failure Encourage curiosity View problems as challenges Train people on creativity Reward creativity Model creativity
Innovation & Creativity Ways to Enhance Creativity cont. Open communication Teams with diverse backgrounds Accept change Enjoy new ideas Trusting and caring environment
Innovation & Creativity Where do Ideas Come From? Types of Innovation: Invention (light bulb, cell phone) Extension (many uses of baking soda) Duplication (McDonalds - franchise) Synthesis (FedEx – mail and air service)
Innovation & Creativity Sources of Innovation Unexpected occurrences Incongruities Process needs Industry/Market changes Demographic changes Knowledge-based concepts
Sources of Ideas – Entering the Business World Hobbies Technical expertise Part-time New inventions Government Franchising Spin-offs Outsourcing Licensing Observation of market need Buying an existing business Sources of Ideas – Entering the Business World