Strategic Planning Update Board of Trustees Academic Affairs and Student Life Committee February 6, 2009 Joseph A. Alutto Executive Vice President and Provost
Strategic Planning Update Intent: Create data-informed perspectives for decisions based on… University goals aligned with Board of Trustees goals aligned with College goals aligned with Department/program goals aligned with Annual college/department/program leadership assessments informed by explicit metrics 2
Strategic Planning Update Strategic Planning Components (linked to roles and responsibilities of University leadership) Academic Plan President’s 6 Strategic Goals 3 Programs/ Strategic Initiatives Facilities Plan Financial Plan Technology Plan Development Plan Talent Plan
Strategic Planning Update 1.Interactions with OAA have included the following: review and written and/or verbal feedback on as many as three versions of each plan and meeting at least twice with each dean as their plans evolved. 2.The process was adjusted in late autumn to require that the final version of each plan have sign-off by both the dean and the college fiscal officer to assure alignment of resources and strategies and to develop a new fiscal relationship with each college. 3.With dual sign-off, plans will be ready for endorsement by the provost towards the end of winter quarter. 4 OAA Process for Endorsing Strategic Plans
Strategic Planning Update Facilities Financial Technology Development Talent ASC In Progress Arts Yes Yes In ProgressIn Progress Yes Bio Sci In Progress Yes In ProgressIn Progress Yes Hum In Progress Yes In ProgressIn Progress Yes MPS Yes Yes In ProgressIn Progress Yes SBS Yes Yes In Progress In Progress Yes 5 Plans Status Arts and Sciences Colleges
Strategic Planning Update Facilities Financial Technology Development Talent Business YesYes Yes YesYes Ed/Hm Ec In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress Eng In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress FAES YesYes Yes Yes Yes Law YesYes Yes YesYes Soc Work Yes Pending Yes Yes Pending 6 Plans Status Professional Colleges
Strategic Planning Update Health Sciences Colleges Facilities Financial Technology Development Talent Health Sci In Progress Dentistry In Progress Yes Yes Yes Yes Medicine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Nursing In Progress Yes Yes Yes Yes Opt In Progress Yes Yes Yes Yes Pharm In Progress Yes Yes Yes Yes Pub Hlth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vet Med In Progress Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Plans Status
Strategic Planning Update Facilities Fiscal Technology Development Talent 8 Central Initiatives Academic Facilities Planning Process Sources/Uses Alignment New Accountability CIO Strategic Plan Capital Campaign Culture Surveys
Strategic Planning Update Revisions to faculty rewards structure Doctoral program quality assurance process Budget system alignment with strategic priorities Strategic use of local funds to improve facilities in the near term Development of Centers for Innovation and Innovation Groups 9 Transinstitutional Initiatives in Support of Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Update Integration of the life sciences and of the environmental sciences Evolution of the arts and sciences Undergraduate program quality assessment Alignment of OAA with strategies and priorities 10 Transinstitutional Initiatives in Support of Strategic Planning (continued)
Strategic Planning Update Questions for the Committee 1.Is the progress to this point acceptable? 2.Are there comments and suggestions about the strategic planning process going forward? 3. Should the current economic climate affect the strategic planning process? 11
University System of Ohio Reports and Responses Board of Trustees Academic Affairs and Student Life Committee February 6, 2009 Joseph A. Alutto Executive Vice President and Provost
USO Reports Institutional Accountability Report Issues and Concerns 13 1.The report may not provide enough information to allow external audiences to interpret the data on graduations rates correctly. 2.The information about the percent of facilities in satisfactory condition or needing only minor rehabilitation may be outdated, and the process for updating the information has not been provided. 3.The USO’s calculation of endowment size per full-time students (or FTEs) may be misleading. 4.Per capita national rankings may not be meaningful measures as the statewide metric in setting targets for federally and industrially financed research spending.
USO Reports Facilities and Technology Infrastructure Report Conclusions for Special Consideration 14 1.Ohio State’s facilities do not optimally support STEM education. In the future, we anticipate a need for better facilities, not additional ones. 2.Our capital planning efforts would be enhanced by standard and verifiable facilities assessments and deferred maintenance metrics and by the elimination of the requirement to use multiple primes in facilities construction. 3.The cost of classroom space has increased because of the need for new technologies. 4.Ohio State is likely to need the state’s largest investment in facilities and technology because of our comprehensiveness and land-grant mission.