Scaling Up: Responding to Financial Constraints Through the Lens of Implementation North Santiam School District Fall Conference 2010
North Santiam School District Located 12 miles east of Salem Serves about 2400 students 5 School locations in 3 Communities K-3; 4-8; 9-12 and 2/K-8 K-3; 4-8; 9-12 and 2/K-8 4 schools qualify for Title Programs Special Education Population – 11.6% ELL Population – 6% / stable Graduation Rate – 97%
Organizational Chart Superintendent Facilities, Budget, General Operations, Management Team Facilities, Budget, General Operations, Management Team Associate Superintendent Instruction and Support Services – curriculum, staff development, federal programs, assessment, anything to do with students and instruction/coaches – literacy and behavior, nursing, truancy/safety officer Instruction and Support Services – curriculum, staff development, federal programs, assessment, anything to do with students and instruction/coaches – literacy and behavior, nursing, truancy/safety officer Building Principals Specialists – Reading, Special Education and ELL Specialists – Reading, Special Education and ELL Teachers Teachers Instructional Assistants Instructional Assistants
Changes in the Way We Do Business United District Teaming Efforts Management Team Directors Directors Building Administrators Building Administrators Board Members Board Members EBISS Team Associate Superintendent Associate Superintendent Director of Assessment & Career Related Learning Director of Assessment & Career Related Learning Director of Special Education Director of Special Education Data Teams Building Specific Building Specific
District Goals 1. Ensure that every student achieves measurable progress and personal growth each year 2. Provide the best facilities and learning environment 3. Involve the community in our schools 4. Be viewed by the community as a unified district
What we do well… Stay focused on the overall goal for the district-building level goals support district goals Assure that our procedures, practices and professional development are directly impacting the success of meeting our goals for the district Communicating the status of our implementation
The Basics District Level Coordination of Literacy Screening Professional Development planned according to the academic needs of our students and implementation fidelity of our programs and curriculum Use of Response to Intervention when considering Special Education eligibility for Learning Disabilities, Behavior and Speech District wide Positive Behavior Support
Data Driven Decision Making Data Review at all levels Classroom teacher Classroom teacher Grade Level Teams Grade Level Teams Building Data Teams Building Data Teams EBISS Team EBISS Team Management Teams Management Teams
Data Sources SWIS for Behavior-used at all buildings Essential for behavior plan implementation Monitoring “Green Zone” implementation Dashboard DIBELS DIBELS OAKS OAKS Attendance Attendance SWIS is coming SWIS is coming Specialty groups can be set up Specialty groups can be set up Individual Student Longevity for tracking Individual Student Longevity for tracking As a building administrator-building, grade level, classroom specific, individual information As a building administrator-building, grade level, classroom specific, individual information
Places to Grow… PBS in year one (high school) Need to develop “yellow zone” interventions for academics and behavior (high and middle school levels) Use Data Teams to form intervention referral system Strengthen teacher’s understanding and use of data to influence their teaching Systematic approach to pushing students out of “Red & Yellow Zone” Interventions while supporting their needs during the transition Teaching the use of staff in Title and Non-title schools is a priority/challenge
Current Focus Establish Staff Development Priorities for Math Develop and deepen teachers’ and administrators’ math content knowledge, conceptual understanding best instructional practices Develop and deepen teachers’ and administrators’ math content knowledge, conceptual understanding best instructional practices Determine alignment between curriculum materials and district and state standards and assessments Determine alignment between curriculum materials and district and state standards and assessments District wide Expectations for Writing Systematically evaluating building needs at the yellow or red zones and placing staff to respond to those changing needs District wide is a challenge for this Spring. Writing down intervention procedures with exit and entry criteria will be a goal by the end of the year. Literacy moved to building level teams for monitoring, staff development, coaching
What we CAN do without Funding… Leadership Develop leaders that have foundational understanding of the core Develop leaders that have foundational understanding of the coreTeaming Relying on the strength of team decision making Relying on the strength of team decision makingData How will you measure what? How will you measure what? Having decision rules Having decision rules “Anything measured will grow”-Petrea Hagen-Gilden Monitor Focus on your green zone and sustain effective practices Focus on your green zone and sustain effective practices
Barriers TIME 6 day cut to our district calendar 6 day cut to our district calendar Scheduling interventions without breaking specific program rules, ELL Scheduling interventions without breaking specific program rules, ELL Professional development needs are greater than available time Professional development needs are greater than available time Coaching Coaching Limitations on how Federal Funds can be used-what students are eligible to receive assistance from support staff Staff wearing multiple hats Reading specialists-building coaches Reading specialists-building coaches Associate Superintendent-curriculum, staff development, Federal Programs supervision Associate Superintendent-curriculum, staff development, Federal Programs supervision High School Assistant Principal/Director of Libraries High School Assistant Principal/Director of Libraries Director of Special Education/Building Administrator Director of Special Education/Building Administrator
Plan of Action… Stay the course Prioritize our goals Focus on what our data is telling us Don’t let dwindling budgets distract from doing what is best for kids “Change in behavior and attitudes does not cost anything” Be Creative-Repurpose people, systems, data, etc. (look for multiple purposes) Create systems that are sustainable, yet flexible
Questions? Contact information Andy Gardner, Superintendent Dave Bolin, Associate Superintendent Jeri Harbison, Director of Special Ed/Principal