Make and Take: Differentiating Math Stations Jeremy Centeno & Ilea Faircloth Spring 2013
Mix N Match Everyone will get one card When the signal word is given stand up, push in your chairs, hand up, and pair up Greet each other “Hello My Name Is…” Determine who will be Partner A and Partner B Partner A will quiz first: Partner A asks Question If correct “Give a Praise” and if incorrect “Tip, Tip, Teach, Try Again” and then praise Switch Roles Switch Cards Parting “Goodbye Friend” Find a new partner who has their hand up Repeat Process
Match Time When you hear “Match”: All students go to the middle of the room All students look for someone they mathematically match with When you find a partner move out of the middle and start forming a circle Introduce yourself Name, School, Grade Level Discuss why you match and get ready to discuss with class
Mix – N – Match Reflection Think about how you could use this activity in your classroom How could you use it as a center in your classroom? How would you adapt it to use it as a center in your classroom? When the signal word is given “Rally Robin” your ideas with your shoulder partner
Team Building/ 4 Corners Name Tag Take a Piece of notebook paper and fold it so that it stands on its own Write Your Name in the Center In the Upper Left hand corner draw a shape that represents you In the Upper Right hand corner pick an operation that represents you In the Lower Left Corner pick your favorite temperature In the Lower Right Hand corner write your favorite number
Team Interview Person Number 1 will ask person number 2 to answer upper left hand corner out loud for the group Person Number 2 will be standing and Answer Question Person Number 3 will make a connection Person Number 4 will praise Person 1 turns Mat and Person Number 2 becomes person number 1 and repeats the same process (Continue until I say stop)
With a Deck of Cards “I Spy” page 5 “Multiple Madness page 25 “HI/LO” page 27 “Fractions” Page 29 “Counting Cards” page 7 “Card Calculations” page 9 “Fast Facts” page 17
CCSS Connection
CCSS Connection
Math Pong
CCSS Connection
Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks Play Game Roll to 100 Play Game Tick Tock Around the Clock Roll’n on Place Value Which CCSS does these address using the student friendly definitions?
CCSS Connection
Board Games
CCSS Connection
Shower Curtain Centers Taking a look at the games Creating Centers
CCSS Connection
Van De Walle Activities Dot Card Sandwiches Make a Ten
CCSS Connection
Place Value Place Value Disks Place Value Strips
CCSS Connection
Boom! Play “Paper, Rock, Scissors” to determine player one. Player one pulls a stick and if he or she says the expression and answer correctly, keeps the stick. Player two then pulls a stick and if says the expression and answer correctly, keeps the stick. If you pull a BOOM! Stick, then you must put all of your sticks back into the container. Continue Steps 2-3 until the container is empty. Player with the most sticks wins!
Boom! 1.Wrap Crystal Light ©, Lysol Wipe ©, or any other large mouth container with Boom Wrap. 2.Write words on Popsicle Sticks
CCSS Connection
Contact Us: Jeremy Centeno, & Ilea Faircloth,
Exit Cards 3 Comments Anonymous Thank you for coming and spending your day with us!