Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min Sanitation Problems Faced By Women in Disaster Affected Areas Lack of hygienic toilets and other forms of sanitation. Fear of poisonous snakes and other insects while relieving themselves in the open. The Construction Time for toilets is about 3-4 days due to the time consuming process of sourcing the available local raw materials as well as skilled/semi-skilled labour. The Toilets available in those areas does not suffice the Population- Pressure. Due to delayed Toilet Construction Process coupled with increased Population Pressure People might start Defecating in the open which might also be near Water Sources which can further lead to an epidemic of Diarhorea, Dysentery and other Water- borne Fatal Diseases.
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min Problems Faced By The Women in Disaster Affected Areas Lack of Private Space in order to Take a Bath, Change or Relieve Themselves. Fear of poisonous snakes and other insects while catering to their Personal Needs away from the ‘’Prying Eyes’’. During those special 4- 5 days of the month Women and Adolescent Girls needs privacy and a clean environment, providing which becomes impossible when Large number of People gets Displaced. Lack of Private and Safe Space for Small Children while Mothers are away. Lack of Private Space for Mothers while they are Feeding their Child.
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min INNOVATIOS UNLIMITED INNOVATIOS UNLIMITED We are an All Women Organisation dealing with innovative products as an endeavor to achieve women Empowerment and Add Dignity and Privacy to their lives. Innovation is the backbone of our existence. We have innovated a Gender- Specific Enclosure for Women which is flexible, mobile and can be carried very easily in far away places. Our Mission To provide a safe Gender- Specific Enclosure to every Disaster Stricken Women and Girl Child, which would provide them the freedom to access their Personal Needs, at their convenience in a Dignified Manner.
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min R Superstructure Specification Size when open and in use: (4 ft. X 3 ft. X 5.9 ft.) + 1 side velcro door + Velcro Roof Top. Weight : 15 kgs approx. Materials Used : MS Steel Tarpaulin(200 gsm), which is light weight yet tough, easy to handle, 100 percent recyclable, hence eco-friendly, U. V. Stabilised, Heat sealed, stronger joints thus 100 percent leak proof. Hooks for hanging clothes/ towels etc. 2 pockets for storing Sanitary Napkins/ Soaps etc. 5 holes on twin opposite side for ventilation purposes. Detachable Roof. Once closed the thickness of the product is approx. 3 inches(ease of transport and packing).
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min CLOSED PARTIALLY OPENED FULLY OPENED EASILY DEPLOYABLE PRIVATE SPACE FOR ALL R Superstructure Pictures
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min R Superstructure Pictures ENTERING R R PRIVACY ASSURED R IN USAGE EASILY DEPLOYABLE SUPERSTRUCTURE WHICH COULD BE USED AS: TOILET BATHING AREA CHANGING ROOM / TO ADDRESS PERSONAL NEEDS OF ALL.
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min R Toilet Slab Specification Our Slab comes with a hinged lid and have the flexibility to be used as: With a pan and trap as a Water-Seal Without a pan and trap as a Direct-Drop. They can be used on trenches or pits up to 1 metre wide, with just 100 mm on either side resting on firm ground. They are moulded in Linear Low Density Polyethylene. Additional reinforcement is provided by means of a metal insert embedded in the plastic. The slabs are 1200 mm long, 800 mm wide and only 55 mm thick. Our Superstructure has been manufactured to encompass our slab making it a complete toilet solution.
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min As Per Our Research ( Existing Toilets In Disaster Struck Areas) Current Toilet Construction Scenario Time Consuming - Need to source Raw Material for Superstructure. Labour Intensive – Hard to find Labour in Emergency. Current Installation Time : 2-3 Days.
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min Advantages of R R Quickly Deployable : 5-8 hours approx. to construct. No Raw Material required for the construction. Labour required just for Pit-Digging. In case of pit spillage/ waste encroaching the water table this toilet can be decommissioned & commissioned elsewhere quickly. In case of any emergency this Toilet could be quickly decommissioned & commissioned and re used. Permanent Toilet Construction Time : days. Sourcing of Raw Materials is a pre requisite. Labour required for Pit-Digging & overall construction. In case of similar spillage situation Open Defecation becomes the only alternative. No such provision exists in this case and again Open Defecation becomes the only alternative.
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min R – The Easily Deployable Emergency Superstructure Solution From Innovations Unlimited Toilet Slab INR 2600** Superstructure INR 3700** **Taxes, Applicable Duties and Transportation Cost would be extra and would be on actuals. Complete Toilet Solution INR 6300**
Our USP : Easily Deployable sanitation superstructure, commissioning / decommissioning time less than a min