Basic Characteristics of People Definitions and sources Ways of looking at personality MBTI Big 5 Locus of control Machiavellianism Self-esteem and self-efficacy Risk taking
Definitions Personality: “The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others” Afffect: “A broad range of feelings that people experience” Emotion: “Intense feelings that are directed at someone or something” Moods: “Feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions” Felt vs. Displayed Relatively Stable
Personality: Where From? Heredity Environment Situation Interaction of all 3 Factors
What is the MBTI ? A personality inventory that assesses normal psychological functioning A tool to help people in organizations: The MBTI measures 4 scales:
Extraversion and Introversion
Sensing and INtuition
Thinking and Feeling
Judging vs Perceiving
Individual Differences - Big 5 Extroversion (ambition, sociability) Sociable, assertive, talkative, active Emotional stability Emotional, nervous, insecure, excitable Agreeableness Courteous, flexible, trusting, good-natured, cooperative Conscientiousness Responsible, organized, planful, persevering, willing to achieve Openness to Experience Imaginative, curious,original, broad minded
Locus of Control Internal: Belief that you control your own destiny External: Outside forces (luck, chance) control what happens Results? Externals less satisfied with jobs, less involved with work Internals tend to do better on jobs requiring initiative and independent action
Machiavellianism The degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that the ends justify the means Good or bad? Depends on the requirements of the situation
Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy A person’s degree of linking for him or herself; positive self-image Levels of self-esteem Global self-esteem Situational self-esteem Organization-based self esteem (OBSE) Self-efficacy: the belief that one can perform a specific task
Risk What it involves How long it takes to make a decision How much information you gather before making a decision A basic personality variable: risk propensity Good or bad? Depends on the circumstances Moderate levels of risk propensity are associated with high need for achievement
Risk Taking Actual risk taking depends on Individual level of risk propensity Situation Different situations Most folks tend to avoid risks when looking at possible gains Conversely, people take more risks when looking at losses Escalating commitment, or throwing good money after bad