Working with people!
Bad attitude Late to meetings Demands to know what they’ve missed Lazy Encourage them to be more active/positive Tell them to come earlier Don’t confront Suggest they are more involved in the next meeting Don’t stop for them
Repeats everything Often worked up about an issue and NEEDS to say it! Help them to realise other people’s views by showing them how to communicate with others Tell them they are doing this Acknowledge what they’re saying Indicate that you must move on
Someone who is always negative Someone who disagrees non- verbally Suggest they use positive reinforcement Ignore them and focus on the group discussion Or Recognise their behaviour and ask them to contribute
Conscientious – nervous Shy Very passive or lacking in confidence Ask them to speak up Ask them directly for their opinion Try to build their confidence (doesn’t have to be done in front of the group) Perhaps ask them not to sit next to that person again
Forceful nature Aggressive Rude Peronally attacks people in the group May be insecure about their own ideas Ask them to calm down and listen to other people Give them more confidence Keep it calm and relaxed Ask them not to dominate so much Deal with it quietly later
Tries to change other people’s ideas Re-explains things after they’ve been said May mis-interpret your idea Encourage them to put forward their own ideas Don’t let them talk for you Help them to develop their ideas Have them write the list of ideas that have been put forward Take control when necessary
Thinks they know everything Want to take charge because they think their ideas are the best Think they’re never wrong Show off – have an inflated view of themselves Stubborn, arrogant, sarcastic Remind them that everyone needs to be included and ask them to step back Encourage them to acknowledge that they may not always be right Remind them that others are entitled to put across their viewpoint too
Controlling Can follow the leader They’re not in charge but they’re happy to tell you what to do Tells you what to do but won’t do it themselves Someone who attempts to control a situation that they’re not actually involved in Remind them that it is a group decision Remind them not to treat others as if they are insignificant Remind them to respect others Encourage them to keep to their role
Talks over people Interrupts Think they’re idea is most important Gets emotional about getting their idea across Attention seeker Tell them to wait their turn Try ignoring them initially Give them a job that keeps them too busy to interrupt
Looks constantly for other people’s approval Snitches on others Need more positive reinforcement Goes out of their way to get praise Think they know everything Try to show off Explain that their behaviour might not be most appropriate Encourage them to be independent of you Don’t give them the attention they’re seeking Explain your role and give them their own defined role Put them in your position