VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria The INASAN Zvenigorod observatory plate collection Sergei V. Vereshchagin, Natalia V. Chupina, Valery P. Osipenko, Olga B. Dluzhnevskaya Institute of Astronomy, RAS
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria The Zvenigorod Observatory We describe the astronomical wide-field plate and film collection of the Zvenigorod Observatory of the Institute of Astronomy (Russian Academy of Sciences) and digitization projects.
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Astrograph Zeiss-400 Clear aperture: 40 cm; Focal length: 2.00 m; Scale: 103 "/mm; Field size: 8° x 8°; Plate size: 30 x 30 cm Totally about 4500 plates. Stars up to 14 m –16 m. Plates listed in the Sofia WFPDB. Plate are in process of digitization in FITS- format.
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria AFU-75 camera Clear aperture: 21.2 cm; Focal length: 73.6 cm; Scale: 280 "/mm; Field size: 10° x 15°; Film size: 13 x 20 cm Totally about 2800 films. All films are obtained in the satellites observations. The full image of a star is a chain from 13 or 7 points with 1 arcsec exposures. Usually limiting magnitude was 8 m. The archive is catalogued. Scanning is not provided.
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria VAU camera Clear aperture: 100 cm; Focal length: 70 cm; Field size: 5° x 30°; Film size: 6 x 36 cm The archive has nearby films. It is not catalogued. Scanning is not supposed.
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Digitization of the photo plates The basic result will be an electronic photograph collection. Structure of electronic archive: 1. Work scans (FITS, 700Mb) 2. Preview scans (JPG, TIF, 3Mb, 600Mb) 3. Original archives - scanned pages from the log-books (JPG) 4. Catalogues in the WFPDB-format (in a computer readable form, ASCII)
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Thank you