Principles of Social Studies All the Important Stuff
History Repeats Itself I – Ignorance M – Materialism A – Antagonism D - Dehumanization
Why do we keep making the same mistakes? We need to learn from our past. If not, we look _________ making the same mistakes. If we do learn from our mistakes, we look __________.
Ignorance What is the base word of “ignorance”? What does ignorance mean? What does ignorance mean in the context of our social studies class? – Instead of learning from the mistakes we’ve made, as a country, we continue to IGNORE the past. If this is the case, why should we learn history?
Materialism What is the base word of “materialism”? What does “materialism” mean? What does “materialism” mean in the context of our class? – History repeats itself because of materialism when we fight other countries over limited resources. – What are limited resources? If this is the case, why should we learn history?
Antagonism What is a word we learned in English that is similar to this word? What does “antagonism” mean? – Active hostility or opposition What does “antagonism” mean in the context of our class? – At times, the United States responds to antagonism. Other times, we are the antagonist. If this is the case, why should we learn history?
Dehumanization What is the base word of “dehumanization”? What does “humanization” mean? – make (something) more humane or civilized – give (something) a human character. What does “dehumanization” mean? What does “dehumanization” mean in the context of this class? – The U.S. has taken action against nations who dehumanize its people, but has also been responsible for dehumanizing its own people. If this is the case, why do we need to study history?
4 Issues of Social Studies
1. Social Issues How do we use the word “social” in our every- day-conversations? What does social mean? What does social mean in the context of our class? – Social issues are matters which directly or indirectly affect many or all members of a society and are considered to be problems, controversies related to moral values, or both. – What is an example of a social issue? If this is the case, why should we study history?
2. Political Issues What is the base word of “political”? What does “political” mean? What does “political” mean in the context of our class? – A clash of ideas and/or paradigms, when it comes to government, from a particular party or group of people. – What are some political parties in the U.S.? If this is true, why should we study history?
3. Economic What is the base word of “economic”? What does “economic” mean? What does “economic” mean in the context of our class? – We will use “economic” when we refer to trade, industry and the creation of wealth. If this is the case, why should we study history?
4. Military Military is included as an issue, but is not truly an issue. Military is included because if any of the previous three issues gets out-of-hand, the problem will be addressed with the military.
5 Types of Government A – Autocracy D – Democracy O – Oligarchy R- Republic E - Empire
Autocracy The letter “A” is the first letter in the alphabet. First = 1 ONE person rules!
Democracy Of, by, and for the people Control of an organization or group by the majority of its members
Oligarchy The letter “O” is what shape? In an oligarchy, a circle of friends rule. a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution
Republic The letter “R” = Representation/Representative A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives.
Empire The letter “E” = Extent Extent = size or scope A large geographic area, with many different people, united and controlled by one person or group An empire is NOT a type of government, but is included because each of these types of governments could be an empire. Is the U.S. an empire? Why do you think Jay-Z has an “empire” state-of-mind?
Run that back! Why does history repeat itself? What does IMAD stand for? What are the four issues in Social Studies? What are the five types of government?