November 9-13
Monday, November 9 WOD Cabinet- the president’s group of advisors aka “secretaries” Foreign- issues OUT of the country Neutral- the state of remaining independent and not forming alliances with other countries (not supporting British, not supporting French) WARM UP Summarize your Cornell notes from Friday
We Will DESCRIBE major foreign and domestic problems faced by George Washington during his presidency I Will JUSTIFY, of the issues I covered today, which one was the most important during Washington’s presidency
ACTIVITY Washington’s problems stations Identify whether each issue is a political, economic, or social issue Describe the issue Identify if it is a foreign or domestic issue
I Will JUSTIFY, of the issues I covered today, which one was the most important during Washington’s presidency
Tuesday, November 10 WOD Tariff-tax on imported goods WARM UP What advice would you give to the country if you are resigning as President?
We Will EXPLAIN the impact of Washington’s Farewell Address I Will LCJ 3 things Washington urged the country to do in his farewell speech
ACTIVITY Finish stations from yesterday Washington’s Farewell Address
CRITICAL WRITING For 3 minutes…write your response to Washington’s Farewell Address SGPT Share your response with your partner
ADVANCED ASSIGNMENT Write an editorial to a newspaper and explain what you witnessed as Washington gave his Farewell Address (emotions, what he said, etc.) Must be at least 2 paragraphs in length Due on Monday
I Will LCJ 3 things Washington urged the country to do in his farewell speech
Thursday, November 12 WOD National Debt- money owed by the U.S. WARM UP What does a nation being in debt mean to you? And what plans would you come up with to bring a nation out of debt?
We Will IDENTIFY challenges faced by Hamilton’s financial plan I Will CREATE 3 test questions over Hamilton and National Finance
SGPT Do you think Hamilton’s plan for the federal government to take over state war debts was fair to southern states? Do you agree with loose interpretation or strict interpretation of the Constitution?
I Will CREATE 3 test questions over Hamilton and National Finance
Friday, November 13 We Will EXPLAIN the presidencies of the first 3 presidents I Will CHOOSE one president as my favorite and justify why
ACTIVITY The President’s video: Washington-Jefferson Guided Questions
I Will CHOOSE one president as my favorite and justify why