THE POLICY OF THE BULGARIAN GOVERNMENT IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Mr. Boyko Slavchev Head of Cabinet of the Minister of Interior Republic of Bulgaria Project Leader
THE POLICY OF THE BULGARIAN GOVERNMENT IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Corruption – major political and social issue in the period of transition; 2001 – Negotiations on Bulgaria’s accession to the EU under JHA; Harmonization of the national legislation with the international legislative instruments and the EU Acquis; Well-designed anti-corruption infrastructure prior to the Accession to the EU;
INTEGRATED STRATEGY FOR COUNTERACTION TO CORRUPTION AND ORGANIZED CRIME Policy of zero tolerance to different types and forms of corruption; Strategic framework of the Fight against Corruption; Adoption of the Strategy in November 2009; Objectives and priorities.
MAIN CHARECTERISTICS OF THE ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY Comprehensive and balanced; High level of coordination; Key role of the Commission for Prevention and Counteraction to Corruption; Proactive approach based on result-oriented and focused activities; High level of specialization and inter-institutional co-operation.
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK OF THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Reform in the public administration Law on the Administration; Law on the Civil Servants; Law on the Access to Public Information, etc.; Chief Inspectorate in the administration of the Council of Ministers; Law on the Publicity of Property of Persons Occupying High State Positions.
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK OF THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Conflict of Interest and Corruption; Conflict of Interest Management; Law on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest – 2008; Commission for Prevention and Ascertainment of Conflict of Interest.
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK OF THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Forfeiture of property acquired from criminal activity – a pillar of the Anti-corruption Policy; Law on Criminal Asset Forfeiture (2005); Evaluation of the six-year experience with the application of the law; New law on the Divestment in favor of the State of Property acquired from Criminal Activity - 3 May 2012.
INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK OF THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Leading role of the Commission for Prevention and Counteraction to Corruption; Tasks and Analysis of Commission’s activities; An unified method of reporting and planning of the activities of the executive power; Annual Action Plans – horizontal and sectoral measures.
INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK OF THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Centre for Prevention and Counteraction to Corruption and Organized Crime; The overall concept BORCOR; Objectives and expectations.
CRIMINAL PROSECUTION POLICY IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Well structured institutional framework; Increase of the effectiveness of the criminal prosecution and punishment of the offenders; Gradual increase of the percentage of convicted persons; More active counteraction to High Level Corruption in the last two years.
CRIMINAL PROSECUTION POLICY IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION National Agency for State Security; Ministry of Interior - Chief Directorate for Combating Organized Crime; - Chief Directorate Criminal Police; - Specialized Directorate Internal Security; The specialized networks of prosecutors, investigative bodies and joint investigation teams.
CONCLUSION Efficient and adequate legislative and institutional framework in Bulgaria; Improved cooperation both at national and international level.