© COPYRIGHT 2015 MARKLOGIC CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SLIDE: 2 Faster publishing and better content search Faster Time-to-Market Rather than 48 hours, it now takes one hour to stage content, a few minutes to push live, and less than a second to run queries and analysis Lower Costs Reduced server count from 10 to 3 and only one system to maintain, and reduction in 2 FTEs ($900k over 3 years) for data management because they were able to refocus on more value-adding improvements Faster Development Platform was migrated from Lucene to MarkLogic in 4 months “The business benefits of having a product that goes to market faster are quite significant.” – Beverly Jamison, Sr. Director, APA After MarkLogic Before MarkLogic Complex data workflows Slow content delivery Difficulty handling unstructured data High costs Low customer satisfaction 1 Estimated costs based on fully loaded labor rate of $150,000 per year
© COPYRIGHT 2015 MARKLOGIC CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SLIDE: 3 Before MarkLogic Lucene/Solr TM ETL ServerOracle ® Database 10 servers to maintain Inconsis tent search results Application/ Presentation Layers
© COPYRIGHT 2015 MARKLOGIC CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SLIDE: 4 After MarkLogic Application/ Presentation Layers 3 MarkLogi c servers, not 10 Fast publishi ng, fast search
© COPYRIGHT 2015 MARKLOGIC CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SLIDE: 5 3,000,000+ visitors per month 3 servers, not queries per second 1 unified platform
© COPYRIGHT 2015 MARKLOGIC CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SLIDE: 6 Semantics Enhancements CITATION Contributors' names (Last edited date). Title of resource. Retrieved from 2. Doing Sophisticated Data Analysis Leveraging semantic data for efficient big data analytics (e.g. transitive closure on data stored as triples to find who cited APA, and who cited those citations, and so-on) 1. Defining Relationships in the Data Designing an ontology to manage the structure and relationships of content (relationships between authors, affiliations, sponsors, subject areas, etc.) AuthorSubject Is an expert in University Went to school at Is sponsored by Company
© COPYRIGHT 2015 MARKLOGIC CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SLIDE: 7 Various APA apps leveraging semantics for analysis