WR090 Skilled Writing through Inquiry: A Community of Scholars Examines Success, Grit, and Creative Intelligence WEEK 1 Thurs., September 26, 2013
WELCOME Again! To Mt Hood Community College To the Learning Community of Scholars To Writing 90!
Attendance Freewrite Video & Writing Sample (Embrace the Shake) Syllabus Questions? Homework (of course) Order of Business Tuesday, Sept. 24
Writing Journal: Reflective Freewrite The first week of class is usually a whirlwind of activity, papers, excitement, and, of course, a bit of anxiety. Imagine yourself in your room, office, or other space sorting through all of the materials you collected this week. Then imagine yourself putting important dates on your calendar. Reflect and write freely about what you plan to do to over the weekend to get organized, and how this might reduce your level of anxiety. Your journals are private, and unless I ask for them in advance, I will not collect them.
Discussion Share your ideas about how to get organized with another student. Quick go ‘round: what do you imagine will work for you? DAILY! To do list Phone app: Scheduler (My Class Schedule) Calendar on phone or computer or old-fashioned paper If no access to computer, printer, or Internet at home, schedule regular time before and after class. The Library and Learning Success Center is open on weekends. So is the Student Computer (1451). Keep your materials together and organized
“Embrace the Shake”: Discussion “Embrace the Shake.” Please take notes. Embrace the Shake Small group discussion: What most struck you about how Phil Hansen reacted and dealt with the tremors in his hands? What does Phil Hansen’s experience tell us about how our “limitations” do not have to limit us, but instead, can spur us on to creatively and imaginatively view what we can accomplish? Freewrite on what you learned from the video and the discussion with your fellow scholars.
Writing Sample Relax, this is an un-graded assessment that will help me get to know you has a writer and learn how I can best help you make the most of your gifts! Quesions? If so, don’t hesitate to quietly come up to my desk and ask, please.
Homework Due, Sept 28 th Know your password for logging into the portal. If you need help, the kind folks in the AVID Center or in the Learning Success Center Computer Lab will be glad to help. Read the Syllabus and Syllabus Supplement again. Think about what is not clear or what you want to learn more about. Purchase a USB flash drive, a 2” looseleaf binder, and a two-pocket folder—and if you do not already have one, a refillable water bottle.
Questions? Call me (Mary), or better yet, text me at ! Ask someone in the AVID Center for help! Ask a librarian!