J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Status of the PANDA Simulations Event Generator UrQMD p A MVD Resolution Time of Flight Estimates of Data Rates.


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Presentation transcript:

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Status of the PANDA Simulations Event Generator UrQMD p A MVD Resolution Time of Flight Estimates of Data Rates “Complete” Analysis of pp  (3770)  DD Updated “to-do” list

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Using UrQMD for pA (A.Galoyan) UrQMD ~OK but must be modified Galoyan&Polanski hep-ph/ Multiplicity distributionProduced Particles p (7 GeV/c) + Fe(10K events) Multiplicity Mass [GeV/c 2 ]     p,n 

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Phase Space Distribution All particles  vs PNeutron dN/d  

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 MVD Resolution (A.Sokolov) Investigate MVD resolution with pp  4  (8GeV) Take small angle scattering into account with a reduced weight for hits in outer layers Modify pad orientation: 1 st and 3 rd – 5 th layers with pads  to beam 2 nd layer || to beam direction Pad intrinsic resolution 12x70  m Increase diameter of the the beam pipe

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Vertex Resolution D0 = radial distance Z0 = longitudinal distance polar angle 

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Increased Beam Pipe Diameter

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Z0 Resolution, R=40 mm Beam Pipe  Z0 increases from ~13  m to ~18  m

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Systematic Error in Z0

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Momentum Resolution mean resolution for pp  4  events at 8 GeV

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Time of Flight (C.Schwarz) Kaon ID in the DIRC starts at about 600 MeV/c Can Reduce # of DIRC PMTs with ToF Redundancy Fast trigger Resolution ~ 100 ps Detector type: RPC or scintillator?

TOP (Time of Propagation)

DIRC vs ToF DIRC is needed for P>600 MeV/c and ToF for P<600 MeV/c

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Estimated Data Rates (P.Salabura+JR) Number of Readout Channels Mean Multiplicity Data per Event Event rate (10 7 Hz interactions)

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Number of Readout Channels MVD9.2x10 6 pixels STT8.7x10 3 wires MDCT1.7x10 3 wires DIRC1.0x10 4 PMTs EMCT7.5x10 3 crystals RICH4.5x10 4 pads MuonT3.2x10 4 cells +ToF+FS …

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Mean Multiplicities (pp 8 GeV/c) MVD12 hits/evt x 2.5 pads/hit=30 STT94 MDCT37 DIRC7 bars/evt x 20 PMTs/hit x ½70 EMCT82 RICH1 hit/evt x 15 pads/hit 15 MuonT ToF+FS???

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Number of bits per Hit (rounded) MVDLayer(4)+Coordinate(2x10)+sysID(8)= 32 STTLayer(4)+Wire(10)+Time(2x10)+sysID(8)= 48 MDCTLayer(4)+Wire(8)+Time(10)+sysID(8)= 32 DIRCPMT(14)+E(12)+T(12)+sysID(8)= 48 EMCTCrystal(13)+E(15)+sysID(8)= 48 RICHPadNumber(2x8)+sysID(8)= 24 MuonTCell(12)+T(12)+ sysID(8)= 32 +ToF+FS…

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Total Data Rates (10 7 Hz) Detectorbits/hit MultiplicityTotal (GBytes/sec) MVD STT MDCT DIRC EMCT RICH MuonT ToF+FS…?7? 25 GB/s

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Analysis of pp  (3770)  DD (JR) Single D ±  K  ±  ± Selector (BR=9.1%) pp  (3770)  DD Background Estimates report at GSI Docuserver:

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Vertex Resolution (1 D per event) Force the decay at V=(0.1,0.1,0.4) mm P D =3.3GeV/c Combine or -++ tracks (i.e. no PID) for reconstruction M=1865  M =7.3 MeV/c 2  ~ 0.71  Z =22  m V R [mm]V Z [mm]

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003  (3770)  DD  K + K - 2  + +2  - M+-- [GeV] 10,000 Events

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Decay Vertex Location TransverseLongitudinal D [mm] Z [mm] Only longitudinal coordinate sensitive to D-mesons !

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Proper Lifetime Determination N(x) ~ exp{ - |V| M / (P c  ) } |V|M/P c  = 292 ± 3  m input 317  m

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 DD Kinematical Variables Missing Mass SquaredInvariant Mass (Mmiss) 2 [GeV 2 ]Minv [GeV] N.B. (M  ) 2 ~ 0.02 GeV 2  ~ 31% (no PID)

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Fake D-Candidates from Background Vertex Z - Location+ - - Inv. Mass Vz [mm] Minv [GeV/c 2 ] 80,000 Events

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Background Suppression Factors 80,000 input background events 6.6 GeV/c 3,144 D-Candidates (no PID!) 196 events with V z > 0.1 mm 100 events with  2 /dof < 10 (vertex fit) 0 events with a D + & D - candidate estimate of remaining cuts by widening cuts above 1/16000 for the second D candidate 1/50|(Mmiss) 2 | < GeV 2 1/10Minv ~  s

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Peak to Background Ratio Assume a  (3770) formation cross section of 160 nb L=10 32  140 Counts/hour (still without PID!!!)

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Summary Event Generator UrQMD p A MVD Resolution Time of Flight Estimates of Data Rates “Complete” Analysis of pp  (3770)  DD

Outlook (Feb 2003 Meeting) pbar-A background generator Generation of 10 7 pbar-p background events Introduction of the absolute time, (in progress) to allow studies of pileup Add more dead areas/materials Detailed studies of thresholds, etc. Layer of ToF between DIRC and EMC CsI at backward angles? Can e+e- be selected/triggered (conversion in MVD…) Improvement of the FastSim Evaluation of signal/background ratio Input for Trigger/DAQ Hypernucleus experiments… Status May 2003

J.RItman PANDA Collab. Meeting, May 2003 Outlook 2 Target (start detector?) Tof FS 3D Fieldmap Tracking (Kalman) Kinematic fitters Trigger simulations Physics Analysis for specific channels (e.g. Glueballs, DD, leptons, ,  *) group meeting Wed