H OW TO GET IN CONTACT WITH ME I can always be reached at I can also be reached by phone by calling the school and dialing extension 320 Feel free to contact me anytime and I will get back with you as soon as possible
P ERSONAL I NFO Graduated from WKU with a Bachelors degree for Middle Grades Education: Science and Social Studies in December of 2005 and began working at OCMS in January of 2006 I taught ½ year of 8 th grade science, this is my 8 th year of 7 th grade science I completed my Masters degree in Middle Grades Education: Science and Social Studies in May of 2010 Currently working on my Masters in School Counseling
M Y P HILOSOPHY AS A S CIENCE E DUCATOR A proper science education goes far beyond memorizing facts and definitions but instead is based upon developing critical thinking and analytical skills. Science is based upon answering “how” and “why” and realizing there is much more to the world around us than what is written in the textbook. Therefore, science should be experienced and discussed critically instead of lectured and unquestioned. Regardless of whether or not my students use all of the content info in life, the thinking skills I am hoping to foster will be useful throughout life.
W HAT YOU WILL LEARN IN 7 TH GRADE SCIENCE I can sum it up as “a little of everything” Scientific Method Energy Transfer Force and Motion Earth Systems (Seasons, Moon Phases, Eclipses) Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Elements and why the Periodic Table is arranged the way that it is The Atmosphere and Water Cycle Constructive and Destructive Forces of Landforms
W HAT YOU WILL LEARN CONTINUED Layers of the Earth Weathering and Erosion The Rock Cycle Structure and Function of Cells Levels of Organization in the Body Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA (Heredity) Flow of Energy in Ecosystems (Food Chain/Web) Changes in Ecosystems and how Organisms Respond
W ISH L IST BY NO MEANS DO YOU HAVE TO BRING IN ANYTHING! Tissues Glue Sticks Hand Sanitizer Disinfecting Wipes From time to time I will ask the students to bring in materials for activities (for example we will be needing bags of M&Ms for a Scientific Method activity). Any help would be appreciated!
Q UESTIONS Thanks for your time and attentiveness This year will be a partnership between you, the student, and myself so I hope we can all work together for the benefit of the student. Any questions before we go