Welcome to 7th Grade Science! Ms. Nunez
Names: Please fold the piece of paper on your desk like a hot dog. Write the name that you like to be called. Please put this on your desk every day this week so I can learn all your names!
Agendas: Please open your agendas and write the homework for Monday, July 28. Forms to Bring Back with Parent Signature 1) Electronics Policy 2) Student Information Sheet 3) Policies and Procedures I will come around and stamp your agendas.
Warm Ups Every day after you write your homework in your agenda, you will do a “warm up” activity. This will “warm up” your brain and get you ready for the day’s material.
Today’s “Warm Up” Turn to your table partner, introduce yourself, and answer 3 questions. 1)What was your favorite part of summer track out? 2)What is your favorite thing about science? 3)If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
A Little About Me My favorite part of summer track out was July 4 th ! Food, fireworks, and fun times with family and friends!! My favorite part about science is learning about nature. If I could have any superpower, it would be teleportation.
A Little About Me I went to NCSU for my B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, and then again for my MAT. GO PACK!! I lived on a sheep and goat farm for 2 years. My favorite thing to do outside of school is to cycle country roads…so when you get your learner’s permit in 3 years, don’t hit me!! :P
A Little About Class We will learn about… - Motion, forces, and energy. - Atmosphere, weather, and climate. - Plant and animal cells - The human body systems. - Genetics and inheritance.
A Little About Class We will be doing… - Hands-on activities. - Group work and individual work. - Reading, writing, math, and history - 21 st century skills.
Class Website 7sciencewithmsnunez.pbworks.com
Hallway/Bathroom Pass You will have 4 free passes for every quarter (bathroom, locker, water fountain, etc.) If you turn in your passes at the end of the quarter you will receive 2% bonus on a unit test.
10-10 RULE You will not be allowed to use your pass for the first or last ten minutes of class. Try to use the bathroom/drink water when you switch classes, but remember you only have 3 minutes!
Class Expectations Strive to Succeed! - Focus and do your best. - Always try. - Ask questions. - Bring all materials to class every day.
Class Expectations Organize! - Keep your notebook in order according to the table of contents. - Keep your area neat. - Put classroom materials where they belong.
Class Expectations Always Be Responsible! - Complete class and homework. - Own up to your actions. - Be an active participant in your own learning.
Class Expectations Respect Others! - Follow the golden rule. - Raise your hand before you speak. - Listen while others are speaking.
Absences/Make-up Work 1) Checked the missed work folder at the back of the room on the day you return. 2) You will have 5 days to make up work. 3) Turn it in directly to your teacher. 4) If you miss a test/quiz, you take it the day you return.
Extra Help Ms. Nunez is available to meet with you for science tutoring on Thursdays. **7:30 – 8:00 am in the morning **3:15 – 3:45 pm in the afternoon Same time for Academic Assistance (AA).
Academic Assistance Any student earning a D or below on a quiz or test has the opportunity to attend AA. Students must have quiz/test signed by parents prior to coming to AA. We will go over each question. Student will turn in test/quiz with corrections to improve their grade up to a 77% (C).
Late Work Please do not turn in work late! Late work will receive a 5% penalty per day late. I will only accept late work up to one week.
Zero Hour Opportunity to complete work that students would otherwise receive a zero for. Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:15 with Ms. Sabina. You need to be picked up by 4:15 or go to EWA Wings.
Flipping Videos I will be flipping my classroom for some units this academic year. Students will have set homework to watch a video and take notes. If a student does not watch a video, they will receive a 70% homework grade and will watch the video while other participate in activities/labs.
Appointments (12:00) Divide yourself evenly into groups of 3 or 4! Write it down on a paper. (3:00) Divide yourself evenly into groups, but not with anyone from 12:00. Write it down. (6:00) Divide yourself evenly again, but not with anyone from 12:00 or 3:00. (9:00) Divide yourselves evenly, but not with anyone from 12:00, 3:00, or 6:00.
Science Brainstorm Get with your 12:00 group and brainstorm these questions on a piece of paper. 1) What is science? 2) What do scientists do? 3) How does science help people? 4) How can science hurt people?
Exit Ticket This is your ticket to exit the classroom. You have 5 minutes!! Clean your area and pack all your belongings when you are finished!