Project Camp Capture Program Description Photography / Journal Workshop. Serves: children, teens and young adults. Memento for long standing happy memories.
Project Camp Capture Leadership Workshop Coordinator and Facilitator. Program Director and Camp Director.
Project Camp Capture Resources Donations of: computers, printers and flip cameras. Fundraisers: 4 yearly. Professional visiting Photographer.
Project Camp Capture Planning and Implementation Curriculum Guide with detailed activity schedule. 4 workshops: intro, visiting photogtapher and journal making workshop. Final presentation. Challenges: Adaptability for ages and disability issues.
Project Camp Capture Teachers Support for teachers includes: one week of training, stipend, housing and board. Skills include previous work with young cancer patients and art education background. Selection of teachers includes an extensive interview process and background check.
Project Camp Capture Evaluation Evaluation forms measure engagement, based on observation. Volume and/or quality of photoraphs. Content of journal. Follow-up surveys.