On November 7 th, 2007 the Cosco Busan left the Port of Oakland bound for South Korea in dense fog.
About a half hour after leaving the dock the Cosco Busan hit the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge. Not a collision, an Allision.
6 a.m. - Bar pilot Capt. John Cota boards Cosco Busan at berth 55, Oakland Inner Harbor. He decides fog is too thick and waits for it to lift. About 7:30 - Cota notifies Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Service that fog has lifted and he intends to sail. He tells vessel traffic he intends to use the Delta-Echo span of the Bay Bridge. The ship is assisted by the tug Revolution. 7:30 to 8:20 - The ship's radar failed, says Cota, who decides to rely on an electronic chart. He asks ship's captain to point to center of the D-E span on the electronic chart. Cota gives course and speed for that point.
About 8:20 - Coast Guard advises Cota that ship is off course, is heading southwest, parallel to the bridge. Ship makes a right turn. Lookout on the bow warns that ship is headed for the Delta tower. 8:27 - Ship hits base of Delta tower, tearing a 160-foot-long gash in the freighter's side.
8:30 - Cota reports to vessel traffic service that the ship has hit the bridge tower. Shortly thereafter, ship reports that oil is leaking into the bay. 8:52 - Personnel on pilot boat sent from Pier 9 in San Francisco notice that "a substantial flow of oil" is coming from the ship.
9:03 - The Coast Guard dispatches its first vessel to the scene. 9:46 - Marine Spill Response Corp., a private company tasked with the cleanup, dispatches its first vessel to the scene. 11 - Five MSRC skimming boats designed to contain and mop oil are on the scene. 12:15 p.m. - Coast Guard says oil spill is 140 gallons; ship has moved to anchorage south of the Bay Bridge, trailing an oil slick. Coast Guard says it's too foggy to put up aircraft to determine spill size.
12:30 - Tidal current shifts toward Golden Gate at about 2.3 knots. 4 - Oil booms set up at Aquatic Park and Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco.
4:49 - Coast Guard realizes the spill is 58,000 gallons. 8:58 - Coast Guard notifies public of true extent of spill.
Drakes Bay Drakes Estero Pt Reyes National Seashore Drakes Bay Oyster Co.
$70,000, in environmental cleanup costs 2500 dead marine birds 26 miles of shoreline contaminated Crab and fishing season delayed Job losses for fisherman and oyster farmers
Pled guilty to one count of negligently polluting the bay and one count of killing migratory birds. Will receive a sentence of between 2 and 10 months. Faces further charges for falsifying documents about prescription medications.
John Cota, Fleet Management, and the ship's owner, Regal Stone Ltd. of Hong Kong, also face several civil lawsuits filed by fishermen and federal, state and local governments.