IDARI Workshop, Tartu, June 2005 WP 1 (NUIG) Research Activity WP 1- Future actions to June 2006 (16.00 Friday 3 rd June)


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Presentation transcript:

IDARI Workshop, Tartu, June 2005 WP 1 (NUIG) Research Activity WP 1- Future actions to June 2006 (16.00 Friday 3 rd June)

WP 1. Thematic Fields 1Biological Diversity & Environmental Sustainability 2Rural Entrepreneurship 3Social Capital 4Population and Migration The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5

1. On farm Crop Diversity Land Fragmentation and Crop Diversity –Land Reform –Research group: EST, LT, BG, NUIG –Research group leader: SDF –Research question: to evaluate the effects of land fragmentation on genetic crop diversity Council regulation No 870/2004 establishing a community programme on conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture and repealing regulation (EC) No 1467/94 The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5

1. On farm Crop Diversity Schedule –Schedule: Surveys (100 per country) to be completed by November 2005, Data Analysis by February 2006 Publications (4 WP): Production and property right fragmentation and biodiversity conservation Farm productivity, rural development and the scope for biodiversity conservation Dissemination & Policy Relevance –Working group on crop diversity (on farm) involving stakeholders The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5

1. Organic Farming (DT) Modelling the transition to organic agriculture in Estonia –Research group: EE, NUIG –Research group leader: TvR –Doctoral Student: Ahto Oja –Research question: to identify formal and informal institutional factors which influence the adoption of organic farming Council Regulation (EEC) NO 2091/91 on organic production of agricultural products and foodstuffs. The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5

Schedule –Schedule: Surveys to be completed by August 2005, Data Analysis by February 2006 Publications (2 WP) Assessing the determinants of organic farming in Estonia Dissemination & Policy Relevance –Network of stakeholder interests in organic farming NGO’s & state sectors) The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5 1. Organic Farming (DT)

1. Carbon Tax Policy Redistributive Impact of Carbon Taxes –Research group: EST, NUIG –Research group leader: CD –Doctoral student: Silja Lupsik –Research question: to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental taxation and alternative policies on their primary objective of pollution reduction. The IPPC directive – integrated pollution and prevention control (96/61 EC). ( Council regulation N 761/2001. The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5

Schedule Model Completed - September 2005 Interviews with Policy Makers Autumn 2005 Publications (3 WP) Distributional Impact of Tax-Benefit Policy in Estonia Distributional Impact of Environmental Tax Policy Spatial Impact of Environmental Tax Policy Dissemination & Policy Relevance: –Model Developed Currently in use by Estonian Ministry of Environment. –Set up of Working Group on Social Protection Policy- Estonian Policy Makers Social Affairs Ministry –Presentation of Model at Latvian Statistical Society, current interest in Latvian adoption of the Model –Silja involved in new EC 6th Framework Project to continue this work The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5 1. Carbon Tax Policy

2. Rural Entrepreneurship Factors that influence success of rural SMEs in Poland –Research group: NUIG, PL –Research group leader: MC –Doctoral student (Wadim Strielkowski) –Research question: to identify factors that influence the success of Polish rural SMEs –Paper on measuring elasticities of labour supply for Polish rural entrepreneurs. Olsztyn, Poland (conference, May 2005), will be published in September Multi-annual programme for enterprise and entrepreneurship – council decision (2000/819/EC) for SMEs (2001 – 2005) The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5

Schedule –Literature review and model completed, surveys to be completed by October 2005, deliverables by April 2005 Publications (3 WP) –Publications: 2 papers: Should I work or should I go? (Conference in Olsztyn, May 2005) and Ready to go? (with Cathal O’Donoghue) Dissemination & Policy Relevance: –Measuring economic policy impact on Polish rural SMEs, relevance for Polish Ministry of Agricutlure The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5 2. Rural Entrepreneurship

Partnerships as Communities of Practice for Rural Devt. in Latvia –Research group leader: MC –Doctoral student: Liga Paula –Research question: what is the role of learning as social participation in building social capital in rural partnerships? –Surveys The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5 3. Social Capital & Partnerships (DT)

Schedule –Survey completed by November Publications (3 WP) –Learning, participation and partnerships for rural communities –Learning in doing: participation of rural communities for a common future. Dissemination & Policy Relevance: –Leader Plus initiatives The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5 3. Social Capital & Partnerships (DT)

Governance & Participative Community Devt. in Lithuania –Research group leader: Chris Curtin –Doctoral student Áine Macken Walsh –Research question: The local determinants effecting the operation of partnership and participative community development in the context of the post-socialist countryside. The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5 3. Social Capital & Partnerships (DT)

Schedule –June 2005-June 2006: Data Analysis, Write up Publications (3 WP) –“Governance and Rural Development in the Post-Socialist Countryside: a case study of the Rural Partnerships Programme in Lithuania” Papers for presentation at Fulbright Seminar on Regional Development, Vienna, July 2005 & ESRS Annual Conference, Hungary, August –“Community Participative Devleopment in Practice: the case of Lithuania” ESRS Annual Conference, Hungary, August –One further paper Dissemination & Policy Relevance: –Presentation to Expert Committee on Communties at Lithuanian Parliament, May 12th 2005 –Visit of members of Expert Committee to Galway, 1-5th August –Meetings with Policy Officials in November 2004 & Communities in April & May The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5 3. Social Capital & Partnerships (DT)

3. Social Capital & Partnerships Partnerships and Social Capital - Research group: LT, LAT, NUIG - Research group leader: TvR - Research question: does the emergence of partnerships through conflict enhance cooperation between multi - stakeholder interest groups in the management of natural resources. - Pilot survey, main survey - Publications The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5

Schedule –Schedule: Surveys to be completed by November 2005, Data Analysis by February 2006 Publications (3 WP) Environmental partnerships, property rights, recreation and tourism Dissemination & Policy Relevance: –Local government, Leader initiatives, stakeholder initiatives (countryside council) –Working group on partnerships The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5 3. Social Capital & Partnerships

4. Population and Migration Rural Population and Migration - Research group: (TS, MV, NUIG) - Research group leader: CD - Research topic: Factors influencing inter- regional and inter-national migration The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5

Schedule –Model Developed Jan 2006 –Comparative Analysis March 2006 –Initial Projections June 2006 –PhD Completion Dec 2007 Publications (3 WP) –Population Dynamic Microsimulation Model –Rural Population Change in Czech Republic –Rural Population Change in CEC Dissemination & Policy Relevance: –Meeting with Statistical Office and Ministries in Lithuania The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5 4. Population and Migration