First Aid Entering Activity Define The Following Terms pp *”A.B.C’s of First Aid *Shock *CPR *Heatstroke
First Aid Basics (TAKE NOTES) How To Respond To Emergencies *Look For Hazards *Check ABCs *Call 911(Stay on phone /Give Info) *Provide Care
Check/ Open AIRWAY Check For Breathing Check For Circulation ( pulse)
Symptoms Of Shock Pale / cool skin Bluish tend to skin Lethargic (sleepy) Nauseated / Vomiting Rapid Pulse **Shock- caused often by other trauma. Heart is not pumping enough blood to vital organs of the body. Can be FATAL**
Treatment For Shock Check ABC’s / Treat Other Injury Call 911 Lay victim down on their back with their face to the side Cover victim to keep them warm Raise legs 8-12 in. DO NOT give victim anything to drink/eat
Wounds And Bleeding Check ABC’s/ Call 911 If Needed Cover wound with clean/ dry cloth Apply direct pressure Elevate wound above heart Do NOT remove cloth/bandage If needed apply pressure to pressure points
Heatstroke Symptoms- hot/ dry skin, high body temp., shallow rapid breathing and pulse, disoriented Treatment- cool body gradually, removed from heat if possible, CALL 911- This is a FATAL Condition!!
Poisons Symptoms- vomiting, nausea, headache, disoriented Treatment- CALL 911/ Poison Control Continue to Check ABC/ Do CPR if needed
Burns 1 st Degree- Treatment at home Cool rag, Aloe Vera, cool shower… Cool rag, Aloe Vera, cool shower…
2 nd Degree- Often Require Medical Attentention. Follow doctors Follow doctorsorders.
3 rd Degree- Medical Attention/ May need to treat for SHOCK Will need extensive Will need extensive Medical treatment.