First Aid Notes… Lectures... Welcome to the world of First Aid! After this lecture, you will know more about First Aid.
Content Page Introduction (First Aid) Wounds Bleedings Fractures Burns Cardio- Pulmonary Resuscitation Shock Asthma Attack
Introduction (First Aid) What is First Aid? Aims of First Aid The ABC of Life First Aid Priority 4 stages of consciousness Examination Techniques
What is First Aid? Initial help given to a casualty before the arrival of professionals
Aims of First Aid To preserve life To promote recovery To prevent others injuries
The ABC of Life Airway- Check the airways are open and clear, no obstructions Breathing- Look and see that the chest is rising and falling. Sound of breathing Circulation- Check for pulse
First Aid Priority Safety Consciousness Pulse & Respiration Bleeding Fractures Poisoning Shock Disposal of casualty
4 stages of consciousness Fully Conscious Drowsiness Stupor Coma
Examination Techniques Hands- Check nails and palms for anaemia Pulse- Check the rate, rhythm & volume Blood pressure- Hypotension is low, hypotension is high Head- Eyes, ears,lips and mouth Neck- check not broken or bruised Chest- Lungs and heart
Head- Eyes, ears,lips and mouth Neck- check not broken or bruised Chest- Lungs and heart Abdomen- Liver, spleen, kidneys Limps- Look, feel, move
Wounds Incised wound Laceration Abrasion(Graze) Contusion(Bruise) Puncture wound Gunshot wound Treatments
Incised wound Straight Cut Profuse bleeding Caused by blade/ broken glass
Laceration Rough tear by crushing on ripping forces Bleed less profusely than incised wound Often contaminated by germs
Abrasion(Graze) Caused by sliding fall of friction burn Superficial wound
Contusion(Bruise) Blunt blow Caused by hammer etc.
Puncture wound Caused by nail and needle Small site of entry deep track of internal damage Risk of infection is high
Gunshot wound Caused by bullet
Treatments Remove any clothing from around the wound Clean the skin round the wound and irrigate the wound to remove any dirt Cover it with a clean dressing
Dressing When applying sterile dressing… Remove the wrapping Unfold the dressing pad, holding the bandage on each side of the pad. Put the pad directly on the wound.
Wind the short end of the bandage once around the limb and the dressing to secure the pad, leaving the tail hanging free To secure the bandage, tie the ends in a reef knot, tied over the pad to exert firm pressure on the wound Check the circulation to the extremity of the injured limb
Bleedings Arterial bleeding Venous bleeding Capillary bleeding Treatment for bleeding Signs and symptoms of internal bleeding
Arterial bleeding Bright red Spurts out Under high pressure Richly oxgenated
Venous bleeding Dark red Gushing out Under lesser pressure than arterial bleeding Given up its oxygen
Capillary bleeding Red in colour Oozing out
Treatment for bleeding Severe wounds Apply direct pressure to the wound in order to stop the flow of the blood Apply sterile dressing with firm pressure to control the bleeding If there is no fracture, try to raise the limb that has been wounded & support it
Signs and symptoms of internal bleeding Pale, clammy skin Rapid and weak pulse Rapid, shallow breathing Tenderness in abdomen Any pain of discomfort Nausea and/or vomiting Shock
Fractures What is a fracture? Types of fractures Signs Treatment
What is a fracture? A closed, or simple, fracture is where the broken bone ends remain beneath the skin, whereas an open, or compound, fracture is where both ends of the bone protrude through the skin
Types of fractures Simple fracture Compound fracture Complicated fracture ( includes organs) Neck fracture Skull fracture Fractured ribs Greenstick Fracture(happen to small children )
Signs Swelling Deformity or projecting bone ends Severe pain, made worse by movement Bruised Tenderness
Treatment Do not try to force the bones back together again but seek medical assistance Treat all open wounds with a clean dressing Splint the fractured area in exactly the position that you find it in, pending removal to hospital or the arrival of expert medical aid
If the arm is fracture, splint it, and then set up a sling if the arm can be moved across the chest. Do not move the victim at all if you suspect a spinal injury
Burns - Type of burn First degree Second degree Third degree
First degree Top layer of skin Skin turns red and then peels off Treatment: Rehydrating creams, Cool water at regular intervals
Second degree Deeper damage to the skin, causing blisters. Shock. Treatment: Use antibacterial dressing, or leave wound undressed but kept scrupulously clean.
Third degree Damage to all layers of skin Treatment: Requires specialist treatment
Cardio- Pulmonary Resuscitation What is CPR? Steps of CPR
What is CPR? Used when the patient has stopped breathing and when there is no pulse Only be performed by someone who has had training in this method
Steps of CPR Tilt victim’s head backwards in order to open the airway Pinch the victim’s nose with thumb and forefinger Take a deep breath, place your mouth tightly over the victim’s mouth and blow air from yours into their mouth
Stop blowing when the victim’s chest is expanded Lift your hand from the victim and watch for the chest to fall. Give the victim further quick breaths, taking a deep breath yourself between each one.
Carry on blowing into the victim’s lungs at a rate of 12 breaths per minute until the victim begins to breathe on his or her own. You can stop blowing at this stage.
Shock What is shock? Signs Treatment
What is shock? Rapid lowering of blood pressure owing to lack of circulating volume to vital body organs, such as the brain, heart, liver and kidneys.
Signs Weak and giddy Nausea/ may vomit Thirst Rapid shallow breathing Weak Pulse
Treatment Lay casualty down Reassure the casualty Raise and support the leg Loosen tight clothing Keep casualty warm Check and record the casualty’s breathing, pulse, level of response
Asthma attack Treatment Reassure and calm casualty Find a position that the person finds comfortable Tell him/her to try taking slow, deep breaths Help to find the reliever(Blue)
Allow casualty to use it and it will take effect within minutes If attack eases within 5-10 minutes, encourage him/her to take another dose and breathe slowly and deeply Tell casualty to inform doctor if attack is very severe or first attack
End of presentation!! Hope you have learnt more about First Aid !!!