HAZARDS: Battery Acid Flammable Gas Electrical Shock
Typical Battery: Positive (+) and Negative (-) plates Put out 12 volts of power Contain Electrolyte; the solution of sulfuric acid and water
Battery Discharge: Acid becomes weak and cannot produce a current Connect battery to an AC source for charging Acidity of electrolyte is restored and can hold charge again
Proper Storage For Batteries: Have a designated area Adequate ventilation Equipment to clean spills Fire protection Protection for charging apparatus
Battery Maintenance: Inspect connections Keep the battery clean Keep the battery cool Watch for leaking acid Watch for swelling DO NOT overcharge
Proper Equipment While Handling A Battery: Goggles Face-shield Rubber gloves Rubber apron
In Case of Spillage/leaking: Acquire acid spill kit (battery clean up kit) Put on proper safety equipment Saturate acid in neutralizing substance(baking soda) Clean up spill(broom/ paper towels) Administer any required first aid