1 Tango Meeting (Hamburg, September 2007) Archiving System Deployed at Soleil
2 Tango Meeting (Hamburg, September 2007) Tango Archiving Service Since last meeting Deployment Next goals
3 Tango Meeting (Hamburg, September 2007) Since the last meeting – March 2007 Code consolidation Error treatment in the collectors Thread pooling usage in the TdbArchivers No more problem with the spectrum storage in the Oracle Database Improvement of the communication between DB and the various Archivers Connection pool in the SnapArchiver (Apache commons object- pooling + Jakarta Commons DBCP) Deployment problems due to the high number of archived attributes Oracle Database Backup / Restore On going for the restoring part
4 Tango Meeting (Hamburg, September 2007) Machine Control – System Architecture HDB : Since March archived Tango attributes near attributes Always 2 Linux servers Knuth : 25 DServers * 5 devices, so 125 HdbArchivers Jacquard : Oracle Database – 250 Go ↗ TDB : Since March archived Tango attributes near attributes 2 Linux servers 3 Linux servers Aho : 20 DServers * 5 devices, so 100 TdbArchivers Foo : 20 DServers * 5 devices, so 100 TdbArchivers Gernelle : Oracle Database – 90 Go for 3 days
5 Tango Meeting (Hamburg, September 2007) Archiving System Goals Cohabitation between the events and the polling in the same code Improvement of the HDB Oracle Database backup / restore procedure Real Application Cluster from Oracle is studied to replace the current infrastructure Deployment of the TDB archiving on the beam lines