1. The pathway of the SME manager 2. Public policies 3. Recommendations Appendix 1 : e-learning & VSE/SME (Theoretical benefits, implementation obstacles ) Appendix 2 : Good practices (companies, local communities, professional sectors) Study on E-learning
Difficult to choose among solutions A lot of SMEs give up They need to be guided to make the good choice 1. The pathway of the SME manager
E-learning Accessible : training's short time integrated at time’s work, at any time, Custom : to create customized training, to choose modules, to make self-assessment on line, to have a real training course with targets. Original : interactive training, serious game, etc… With tutoring : to answer and help the trainees, to propose additional activities if necessary Offer educational diversity of contents : adapted to the SMEs needs, Being on SCORM standard(Sharable Content Object Reference Model) 1. The pathway of the SME manager
Budget aspects Not a cheap solution. Economies of scale will be possible. Lifelong training and knowledge diffusion Goal : To limit excessive costs thanks to pooled training programmes 1. The pathway of the SME manager
Learning from good practices How to adapt training contents to the trainees and companies specific needs : - Training on line must be flexible - Relevant and useful - Use multimedia and meetings - Customizable tools to fit the contents - Involve professionnal in the same sector 2. Public policies
Learning from good practices How to convince corporate managers to take the plunge using trusted third parties : - Define an e-learning and ICT strategy (with the help of an outsider/a consultant if necessary) - Be attentive to the motivation of the employees - Involve the management of the company - help the company to plan training without disturbing its organization 2. Public policies
Learning from good practices How to get to knowledge capitalisation : - organizing meetings with interns and financers - the organization of round tables between employers' associations to pool knowledge - the facilitating role of the European Union which develops experience feedback capitalisation for each of its program 2. Public policies
Learning from good practices How to use e-learning to improve business competitiveness : - Training investment is not only based on economic criterion - Identify the weaknesses that e-learning can correct - Analyse the real effects on business objectives 2. Public policies
Position itself among the possible public policies Help to adapt businesses to the competitiveness Give support by training the employees Education and training is a public mission : could offer an overview of the system Provide actors of the region a very high quality of services by pooled training solutions 2. Public policies
Notion of learning region (as learning city or learning organisation) is more and more used in regional development strategies : - stimulating economic activity - combining lifelong learning - innovation and a creative use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) It’s relevant to implement a strategy that involves local government, enterprises and their sector at a regional scale. 3. Recommendations
Collaborative support networks to implement e-learning. Regional government : an effective intermediary in a complex and highly competitive context. Fostering innovation 3. Recommendations
E-learning : It is not a mere computerised version of training Above all : is a customisable version of the training process Fits user's needs in accordance with the characteristics of the company It is essential to involve actors who are able to use vocational training funds (sectorial, intra-regional..) 3. Recommendations