FIT with the Counselors Part 2
Freshman College Prep List Take challenging classes Take an interest inventory and explore career interests on Bridges Become involved in school and community-based extracurricular activities. Check out College Board’s website. Check out ACT’s website. Begin saving for college.
Get Started. Make a plan!
There are lots of options. Check out their checklist.
No matter what you do after high school…You will need a resume!
What to include on your resume Art (creative endeavors) Church activities Clubs Community activity (festivals and events) Governance (councils, committees) Hobbies Media (TV, yearbook) Military (Jr. ROTC) Music (choir, band) Sports
Talents, Awards, Honors Academic K Award UIL Sports Debate Fine Arts Work Experience Summer jobs After school jobs Internships
Keep track of your accomplishments on the Kingwood Extracurricular sheet! Here’s the link:
Here’s the hyperlink! Go to File/Download As/Microsoft Word
Make it yours. Fill in your name at the top. Complete the chart as you complete the activities, so you will not forget. Save as you go. Get busy!