Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.
How to begin aligning instruction Unpack the standards. Create a “Top Eight - Ten” list. Identify Knowledge, Reasoning, Performance and Skill Targets. Create a resource list. Develop a time line.
Unpacking the Standards
ISS Curriculum Guide
Top 8 – 10 essentials
a. Teachers align their instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished Demonstrates an awareness of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and references it in the preparation of lesson plans. AND… Understands the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, uses it in preparation of lesson plans, and applies strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant. AND… Develops and applies strategies based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and standards developed by professional organizations to make the curriculum balanced, rigorous and relevant. AND… Assists colleagues in applying such strategies in their classrooms.
Developing Aware of SCOS List objectives in lesson plans.
Proficient Able to explain the NCSCOS Uses the SCOS while creating lessons Uses High Yield Instructional Strategies Summarizing & Notetaking Similarities & Differences Collaborative Learning Effort & Recognition Advanced Organizers Homework & Practice Non-Linguistic Representation Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback Generating & Testing Hypothesis
Accomplished Use strategies learned in professional development Use strategies discussed during professional learning communities Use curriculum guides during lesson planning Use tiered lessons & differentiation
Distinguished Share strategies during Professional Learning Community meetings Post strategies to Wikis, blogs or websites
b. Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished Demonstrates a basic level of content knowledge in the teaching specialty to which assigned. AND… Demonstrates an appropriate level of content knowledge in the teaching specialty to which assigned. AND… Applies knowledge of subject beyond the content in assigned teaching specialty. Motivates students to investigate the content area to expand their knowledge and satisfy their natural curiosity. AND… Extends knowledge of subject beyond content in their teaching specialty and sparks students’ curiosity for learning beyond the required course work.
Developing Aware of the fact that you teach music. Passed the music PRAXIS test
Proficient It is evident that you are teaching music. Essentials are posted in the room. Your lesson is focused on the current objective.
Accomplished Students are aware of the goals. PDSA process is in place to extend the understanding. Students are encouraged to ask questions to extend learning. Students are encouraged to do own research and bring it to the classroom.
Distinguished Cross-curricular activities are intentionally implemented to enhance the classroom learning (i.e. math, language arts, science) Special projects are assigned in order to bring students’ experiences to the classroom and to expand their experiences
c. Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished Understand the links between grade/subject and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Displays global awareness AND… Demonstrates knowledge of links between grade/subject and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Promotes global awareness and its relevance to the subjects AND… Demonstrates knowledge of the links and vertical alignment of the grade or subject area and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Relates content to other disciplines. Integrates global awareness activities throughout lesson plans and classroom instructional practices AND… Collaborates with teachers from other grades or subject areas to establish links between disciplines and influence school-wide curriculum and teaching practice. Promotes global awareness and its relevance to all faculty members, influencing curriculum and teaching practices throughout the school
Developing Age appropriate activities are planned based on the NCSCOS The teacher is aware of cultural diversity, but does not implement activities to increase student knowledge.
Proficient Beginning to focus on the links between grade levels and working towards vertical alignment (i.e. How does what I do in Kindergarten affect learning in 1 st grade?) Begins implementing activities that broaden the students’ awareness beyond their school and home town.
Accomplished Focus on objectives and essentials to prepare them for the next grade level. (i.e. Kindergarten can distinguish between talking and singing, 1 st grade can sing simple three pitch melodies) Plans activities and learning opportunities to begin understanding diverse cultures.
Distinguished Attending and collaborating with music PLC and classroom PLCs to share strategies and reinforce learning across the curriculum. Systematically goes above and beyond to have students engaging in cultures and activities to broaden their horizons.(i.e. jazz, African drumming, Flamenco music, etc.)
d. Teachers make instruction relevant to students DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished Identifies relationships between the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and life in the 21st century. AND… Identifies relationships between the core content and 21 st Century content. AND… Integrates core content and 21st Century content throughout lesson plans and classroom instructional practices. AND… Deepens students’ understandings of 21st Century skills and helps them make their own connections and develop new skills.
Developing Aware of NCSCOS and aware of 21 st Century life skills, but does not systematically put them together during lessons
Proficient Identify relationships between music and these three categories Learning and Innovation Skills 21st Century Interdisciplinary Themes Life and Career Skills Occasionally incorporates a few activities based on these themes
Accomplished Systematically plans activities that encourage students to be aware of and understand the 21 st century learning skills Purposefully links the NCSCOS essentials to the 21 st century skills
Distinguished Purposefully and systematically creates lessons using 21 st century themes Provides activities to broaden the students understanding and give them the opportunity to apply these skills in a creative fashion Goes above and beyond to help students make connections with “real world” problems and situations that have multiple solutions.