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Presentation transcript:


CAREC IN PROMOTING SEIS FOR CA CA –AoA: To ensure involvement of CA to the process of the EE-AoA for assessing the state of the environmental governance and performance, needs and opportunities for SEIS EU AWARE- SEIS: To raise awareness of stakeholders on SEIS and obtain their support as for the prospective area of future EU- CA cooperation on water and environment BILATERAL SEIS: To gradually (country-by-country) support CA countries in addressing SEIS oriented recommendations of the CA-AoA (FOEN)

EE-AOA PRODUCTS FOR CENTRAL ASIA Virtual Library: – –Around 200 sources on CA, Country Fiches: – caucasus-and-central-asia/central-asiahttp://aoa.ew.eea.europa.eu/tools/country-fiches/country-fiches-consultation/eastern-europe- caucasus-and-central-asia/central-asia –two subfolders for each of 5 countries Review templates: – –31 national, 8 sub-regional, and 12 regional Pan-European assessments on Water and Water Related Ecosystems (51 total) –31 national, 7 sub-regional, 20 regional Pan-European and Asian-Pacific, 4 global assessments on Resource Efficiency and Green Economy (62 total) Report: – assessment-reportshttp:// assessment-reports

CA-AOA KEY RECOMMENDATIONS Unification and increased compatibility of assessments in two dimensions: –within the CA sub-region for interfacing and scoping them through transboundary cooperation; –within the Pan-European cooperation framework for necessary information and data sharing; Development of compatible information and data collection systems (SoE reporting, statistics, indicators) are needed, also in the two above dimensions. In this context the SEIS could be the basis for future EU- CA cooperation and improved data accessibility; Ensuring a system for SoER and development environmental indicators based SoER; Building capacities of responsible national institutions for the establishment of compatible assessment systems and process, and the expert capacity in national institutions

SCOPE OF THE AWARE –SEIS To obtain official support from CA Governments along with nomination of experts To commission the review of CA-AoA recommendations for respective countries focusing on opportunities through SEIS To employ international expert with experience on ENPI-SEIS for sharing expertise and lessons learnt To hold 5 national awareness raising seminars on SEIS in CA countries To obtain written official support for particular follow up activities on SEIS

UP TO MOMENT OUTCOMES 4 nominations of AWARE-SEIS focal points (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) 5 national CA-AoA follow up reviews (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) Presentation of the ENPI-SEIS experience and lessons learnt for promotion of SEIS in CA, which was developed by International expert employed in consultations with EEA National AWARE-SEIS seminar s held in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Recommendations of the national seminars

KEY RECOMMENDATIONS Explore an opportunity of implementation of Eye on Earth activities in Kazakhstan Work on improvement of water and waste statistics in Kyrgyzstan To assist Tajikistan in setting up the SoER system and development of the SoER for 2011 To establish the national interagency working group on SEIS in Uzbekistan To analyze compatibility of the national environmental statistic in Uzbekistan to EECCA environmental indicators in order to improve it and approximate to best practices on the environmental statistics, including development of respective Guidance and Compendiums Series of capacity building activities on environmental indicators for responsible specialists in relevant governmental Agencies Support implementation of the AoA project on biodiversity, climate change, air and waste initiated by UNECE in two of CA countries To design and develop the publication on SEIS with simple and clear explanations of its scope, objectives and methodology for all stakeholders

SCOPE OF THE BILATERAL SEIS To support improvement of the national environment and natural resources statistics in Kyrgyzstan To establish the inter-agencies working group (SEIS WG) and facilitate the dialogues to identify the most vital areas for improvement To commission review and analysis of the situation on the base of recommendations of SEIS WG To discuss with SEIS WG and approve the ToR for particular activities toward improvement of statistics and ensure endorsement of activities To ensure participation of AWARE-SEIS focal points in AWARE-SEIS national seminars

UP TO MOMENT OUTCOMES National SEIS WG established and 3 meetings held Interest of OECD, UNDP and Finish Environmental Institute (FEI) to be involved in the activities Analysis of statistical gaps in SoER developed under UNDP assistance and in use of UNECE Guidelines on indicator-based reporting Recommendation to work on improvement of water and waste statistics by: –Assessing the opportunities and needs for transferring the water statistic reporting from the central level (DWR) to the NSC to local level from entities to the NSC’s district departments –Piloting/testing the transfer of water statistics at district level (FEI) –Assess needs for collection and reporting the waste and chemical statistics to report to Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Analysis of relevant activities of NSC and DWR ToR for assessment of water statistics transfer opportunities and needs Obtained letters of support from NSC and DWR for piloting activity in two districts

Thank you for your kind attention! Talaibek Makeev, CAREC,